Page 115 of Princess of Air
“Are you certain you can’t stay longer? You must be exhausted from travel.” Cara is especially disappointed that we’re leaving after only one night, but I’m sure her staff will prefer us not to extend their uncomfortable task of pretending we don’t share a bed. I’m not sure how long I have to “mourn” Jamys before we can be in public together.
“We can’t delay reuniting these families,” I say. “And we have obligations back in Mirador.”
“Yes, of course.” She knocks on Tosha’s door and steps back. “She’s going to be heartbroken.”
This is the sad part of the matter, but it’s unavoidable.
Tosha opens the door and her eyes light up. “Your Grace, welcome back! It is such a pleasure to see you.”
“And you as well.” We step into her home, and I gesture to Tomas. “This is Lord Tomas Coyle of Highbluff.”
“An honor, my lord.” Tosha curtsies.
“The honor is mine,” he says. “Princess Arabella has told me of what a wonderful job you’re doing with these mysterious infants.” I can accept him calling me by my full name in public now, knowing I’ll always be Bell to him in private.
Tosha blushes pink. “She is too kind.”
Alas, that opinion of me is about to change. I walk over to the babies and smile down at them. “Tosha, I have some bittersweet news for you. We’ve found the families of the baby boys.”
She pales, and her jaw drops. Her eyes flicker between me and the babies she’s been loving.
“One of these boys has a grieving mother who has been beside herself over his loss.”
Tosha wipes a tear from her eye. She knows that feeling all too well and can’t begrudge another woman getting her child back. “And the others?”
“The other boy has a family as well.” No need to explain it’s his daughter who will be taking him. “When we bring them back, the families will tell us which is which.”
“But the girl,” Tomas says, “has no family. To be raised with you as her mother would be a blessing for her.”
I can’t imagine how it feels for him to look upon the face of this woman he knew, now a swaddled babe. We didn’t delve into how well he knew Emblen—it really doesn’t matter—but my curiosity rekindles with them in the same room.
Tosha lifts both boys and hugs them to her chest. As she rocks them and whispers to them, Tomas wraps an arm around me. “She’ll have a good life here,” I say, looking down at Emblen reborn as Tessa.
“Yes. A much better life.” He strokes my arm with his thumb. “I almost wish I had come with you to begin with. Perhaps I’d have recognized them, and we’d have sorted it sooner.”
“It only feels that way because you know now. You couldn’t have guessed before.”
He nods, but the burden remains in his eyes. Tomas takes on so much responsibility for everyone he encounters. He’ll make a phenomenal king.
“There, there.” Cara takes the boy called Dollin into her arms. “Their families will be forever grateful for the care you’ve given them.”
Tosha nods and kisses Gavan before passing him to me. “What are their real names?”
“George and Parick,” Tomas says.
“If it’s at all possible for me to ever receive word of how they’re doing, I would love that.”
“I’m sure that can be arranged.” I squeeze her hand, and she looks down at her last baby.
“At least I know now she’ll never be taken away. Right?”
I nod. “Of course.”
“Everyone wins then.” She sniffles over a sad smile. “Three complete families.”
Almost. I look down at the baby in my arms. If this is George, his brother died in the fire, but at least their mother will get one child back.