Page 62 of Princess of Air
“Really?” He cocks his head. “How was that?”
His mouth quirks up on one side. “Interesting. And yet you got to your chambers hoping to find me there?”
“I didn’t say I was hoping to find you there, only that I thought you might be.”
“Right, well I’m sorry I disappointed you—”
“I was not disappointed.”
“But I had other things to deal with last night besides you snuggling up to your betrothed.”
“Tomas!” Nina shouts. “Are you even paying attention?”
“No. You aren’t doing anything remotely interesting.”
She sneers and throws a fireball at him. It spreads and dissipates against a shield I create without a thought. “Nina, what is wrong with you?”
“I knew you’d shield him.” She crosses her arms. “May I remind you, Tomas, that this is important?”
“What’s important?” I ask them both.
“My training.” A flame flickers around Nina’s forearm.
I turn toward Tomas. “Why are you helping Nina train?”
“I want her to win the trials.” Based on Tomas’ tone, this is supposed to be obvious. Well, of course. Why not?
“Since when do you want her to win?”
Nina smiles at my confusion. “Since he realized I’d be the best ruler for Alchos, obviously. Marcus left for Etherlee with Grand Mama and Grand Papa this morning, so I’m left with him.”
Tomas narrows his eyes at her. Neither seem happy to work together, so why do it?
I throw a soundproof bubble around Nina. She is no doubt cursing me as the remaining training dummies across the yard explode in flames.
“I thought you wanted me to win?” I say to Tomas.
“You don’t want to win, so why is this a problem?”
My brows scrunch together. “Do you just want anyone except Rylan to win?”
“Did you have a falling out with him I’m not aware of?”
“No.” Tomas crosses his arms. “I want Nina to be queen.”
“That is absurd.”
“It’s not your problem if you’re content to be Queen of Ceraun.”
I see red. “I cannot believe you are helping her to spite me.”
He laughs darkly. “This is not to spite you.”
“To be honest, the details of our argument last night are fuzzy—”