Page 12 of Monsters of Air
“Now.” That voice I knew.
Fine. If he was going to treat me like a child, then I would act like one.
I stomped my way back to the staircase, well aware he was watching me go. He had clearly picked our table well, as if he knew what the end result would be. I had no option but to go back to our room.
I meandered up to the third floor, only to freeze when I went to unlock my door. The door was huge, hell, every door I had seen in this inn was huge. Now that I had seen them, I knew why. I glanced down the hall, at every single monster sized door. Even the ceiling was higher, the hallway wider.
This whole floor was just…big.
Dragon room.
That was what the innkeeper had said. We were staying in a room meant for dragons.
I forced the thought away and headed into my room, changing out of the mess of my clothes. My dress was road worn, everything caked in mud. I guess I should be glad that I hadn’t run over and tried to mount a dragon. I was a disgrace.
I threw my clothes toward the bed, the faded gray dress landing with a thump against the floor and wall. The wall that I shared with whoever would stay in the room next to us. Would one of the dragons be there? I reached over and touched the wall, its coldness seeping into my palm, but I didn’t care. I wanted to know. If I snuck into that room later tonight, who would I find? The confident black man with the blue wings? The cocky rich one with the red wings? Or the reserved one with green wings?
Oh god, all that warmth turned to a flood between my legs.
I really had lost it.
“Get your head on straight,” I scolded myself. Maybe my dad had a point, but even with my daydreams I had never been this bad. Something about seeing them had changed me…
Why did I feel such a strong pull to them? How would they be able to alleviate this discomfort I was experiencing from being so far from them, knowing they were so close?
Screw this. I didn’t need to stay here.
“Sorry, Da.” I dug out another one of Da’s cloaks and tied it around my shoulders. I was still working to tuck my hair away as I left the room when I bumped into a hard wall of warmth and flesh and scales. It was only for a moment, but I swore an electric shot zapped through me as I stumbled back.
“Whoa, steady.” A low smooth voice sent shivers through my body. My skin pebbled at the voice. It was molten liquid that flooded me with warmth.
I looked up. Then I had to look up a little more, enjoying every second of the journey.
Oh. My. Goddess.
The dragon with red wings stood before me. If I thought he was breathtaking from a distance, then I didn’t do him justice. He was mind-blowing up close and personal like this.
His eyes were a light brown, but there was a fire in them that blazed, threatening to light me on fire. His gaze darkened as he looked down at me, his hands settling on my hips as a sultry smile stretched across his face.
“Hello there,” he whispered in a voice that might as well have been made from the gruff edge of sex.
My legs shook as I stepped closer to him, threatening to turn me into a melted mess. Something made worse as he cocked his head to the side to look me over.
Warmth radiated from me as his hand moved up from my hip, a low whimper escaping me. He smiled, he fucking smiled with dimples and I was amazed I could stay upright at all. But then he reached up and touched a strand of my hair, holding the white hair up to get a closer look.
“A rider,” he whispered, soft awe entering the low gruff of his voice, his gaze darted back on mine. “A gorgeous rider at that. What’s your name?”
“Rayna.” I licked my lips, noting the way he tracked the movement, as if he was jealous. I shifted closer to him, getting drunk off his very presence. His scent was something warm and musky. Strong. Overpowering. His scent made me salivate, wanting to lick his skin.
Get it together, Rayna!
“Rayna,” he repeated softly. “Beautiful. I’m Landers.”
“A dragon.” Silly me, stating the obvious. But right then I didn’t care.
His smile widened. “Yes. A dragon. Want to be my rider for the night?”
Fuck. Yes. I would happily ride him and his cock till dawn.