Page 53 of Monsters of Air
“You guys didn’t,” Philit said in a tight voice.
“This is a sick joke from the Fae, right? More bullshit?” Landers whirled on me, trying to get in my face.
“Why are you so pissed?” I snapped back, hands on my hips. “Your asshole show made your intentions clear.” I was ready to fight him when Zilon moved between us, stopping me.
“What did you guys do?” Philit asked in a dangerous voice promising a lot of violence.
“Does it matter?” Zilon asked. “That’s between her and me.”
“She’s not supposed to choose, not until we get there,” Landers snapped out. I almost laughed at him.
“Really?” I asked. “You guys said you’d help me and I’d choose one of you when we got there, but what about your attitude has even shown that you want me to choose you?”
“Are you fucking serious,” Landers snarled. “There was… you felt… I saw…”
“You’re the one who keeps telling me I’m not good enough,” I pushed my way around Zilon to face him. This was my battle and I was fighting it. “That I’m not worthy of you. What does it matter to you that I did anything with Zilon?”
“This isn’t how this is supposed to happen,” Landers snapped, stepping right up to me so that we were toe to toe, one of his long talons digging through the snow by my foot. “Why do you have to fuck this up?”
“When will you grow the fuck up?” Zilon asked, trying to pull me back. Not that I had any intention of moving.
Landers growled before charging forward and tackling Zilon. I barely had time to dodge the fist, but I did throw my leg out, ready to send Landers face first into the snow. He dodged. Bastard. Landers dodged and pinned Zilon with a sharp laugh, a second later Zilon flipped them.
“Children.” The Fae laughed as I rushed to the two.
“Stop it!” I tried to pull them away from each other, but they were now throwing punches. “Help me!”
I turned to Philit, but he just stood there, hands fisted at his side.
“This was a mistake,” Philit mumbled just loud enough that I could hear before he went in, grabbing Zilon and yanking him back.
Zilon whirled on Philit and punched him in the face.
That was not what was supposed to happen.
“See,” the Fae said. “Zilon’s already attached to the divine now.”
“Shut up!” I snapped at him, but he had planned this. His proclamation had only worked Landers and Zilon up even more. He knew what he was doing.
Landers got a hold of Zilon and threw him, hard. If I had been the one to be thrown, there was no doubt I’d be dead. Dragons were sturdy though.
“Will you stop this!” I yelled, knowing they wouldn’t listen.
Zilon slammed into the rock wall with a grunt before falling into the snow. He didn’t move until Landers was almost to him. Then he kicked out. Zilon growled, Landers laughed, The Fae exhaled and Philit groaned.
But it wasn’t any of those sounds that caught my attention.
It was the rumbling.
The rumbling didn’t sound right. It was too low, too powerful. The sound moved through me, up from my feet as though the ground was shaking. I looked down, but nothing was happening. The low rumbling thrummed through me.
“Guys,” I called out, but they were too focused on each other. Only the Fae turned his attention to me, tilting his head slightly.
I glanced up, my eyes widening. It was like a massive white cloud was heading right for us.
“Guys!” I screamed. “Look!”
Landers and Zilon were too preoccupied, but Philit heard, his focus following mine.