Page 61 of Monsters of Air
“We have to stop him,” I half gasped, my body feeling like gelatin from whatever he had just done to me. I was suddenly glad that all of these spines were holding me in place, or I just would have slid from him.
Philit roared again, that spine growing and sending me close to the edge as he again breathed fire. He took down a few more, but before we could reach them the Fae and all of his fluttering would-be murderers were gone.
We stood there, staring into the dark as he heaved, waiting for them to regroup, to rush us, to do something.
There was nothing but the soft whimpers of the dragons behind us.
“Philit,” I tried to turn, but he kept me in pace. The motion was enough to alert him to what else was there, however.
Landers and Zilon had emerged from the Fae, luckily they weren’t as ripped apart as I had thought. Their wings were still in one piece, their scales still glimmering. Besides a few scratches there were fine.
Well, they were until they saw me on Philit’s back. Then they were about as pissed as the Fae had been.
“Answers later,” I said as diplomatically as I could. “Now, fly.”
They all snarled, but luckily Philit just turned, his legs moving and wings extending as he soared through the caves, right back in the direction we had come.
He had the same thought I had. The moment the wall of snow and ice came into view that same feeling trilled through me, his touch like fire through my core as I came, and fire erupted from his maw.
The wall of ice melted into nothingness.
We whooshed out of the cave with a roar. Philit’s wings snapped out and we went up high, so high we were above the mountain, and everything was nothing but a sea of trees below us. For a brief moment, we were suspended in the air, nothing touching us. My stomach dropped when it dawned on me how high up we really were.
That was a very, very long fall.
‘So this is what being a rider and a dragon is like,’ I thought, my hands firm against his scales. I wasn’t going anywhere, but I couldn’t quite shake the fearful exhilaration of the moment either.
‘Part of it.’
I blinked and looked down at Philit.
‘You can hear me?’
‘You can hear me, can’t you?’
He descended with an exhilarated roar, the freezing air whipping around me. I shivered, holding tighter into whatever I could grip on his back.
‘I can feel you too,’ he elaborated as we leveled out, the thought was soft, tender. But there was also a hesitancy in him. I focused on him, on his emotions and the answer came to me. It was better than thinking about how quickly we were approaching the ground. Which was way too fast.
Philit may have been astonished with what happened between us, but he was also furious. His fury boiled deep in his stomach, and in mine too. It seemed that more than thoughts were linked between us.
He landed with a thud, Landers and Zilon running out of the tree line, already in their humanoid form. The fury I had seen before was even worse without the dragon face in front of it.
“What in the name of the goddess?” Zilon blinked furious, his attention flipping between Philit and me.
Philit’s body heated up between my thighs, including the piece of spine that was inside me. Then I was falling with a little yelp, feeling so hollow that pain wrapped around me.
Strong arms caught me and I looked up to Philit who stared down at me with such dark, furious eyes that for a moment, I forgot he was supposed to have blue eyes, not black.
“Well, shit. If it helps, I did try to stop you from falling off the cliff,” I said as I practically jumped from his arms, my core ached the second our skin connection left. Hell, everything ached, like something big was missing from me.
The look on his face said he felt it too, which didn’t exactly make him ready to jump into a song and dance number.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he snarled.
“Yes, I’m aware of that. It might surprise you to hear, but I didn’t actually plan on falling off a cliff today. I know, weird, but true.” I looked between all of them, they were all so pissed that there was clearly not going to be any quick fix here.
“Why the fuck would you do that?” he snarled at me, pinching the bridge of his nose.