Page 77 of Monsters of Air
The closer we got to the camp, the more I felt from the Philit. I had somehow blocked out his emotions when I had been with Zilon, but now they were coming back, hard.
It wasn’t good.
I grimaced, so much for the ethereal after sex high I was feeling.
“Rayna, are you okay?” Zilon frowned as he pulled me to a stop.
I rubbed at my chest. “Yeah, let’s just get back to the others.”
His eyes narrowed, picking up on something. “What are you feeling?” he asked.
Sighing, I said, “That this happiness can’t last forever and it’s time to go back to reality. Come on.”
I walked away, letting Zilon follow after me. I should probably warn him that we were two steps away from entering Philit’s rage, but the look on his face told me he already knew.
The moment we stepped out into the clearing, I knew the others knew. Landers was scowling hard, which was expected. But it was hard to read Philit’s expression. It was completely closed down. I focused on the bond between us. It was pulled taut, his emotions making it thrum.
So much for them being apologetic, but I guess I had a hand in this one too.
“I did tell you I would fuck who I wanted,” I declared, needing to get to the point. This whole sharing thing was not going to be easy.
“You are my rider.” Philit’s voice was pure growl, he was clearly more angry than I assumed.
“Am I? Because I thought you wanted to break the bond? Which is Philit? Because you can’t have both.” Hurt welled through me, but I wasn’t sure if it was from me, or from him.
“Holy shit. Wow.” Landers chuckled, jealous bastard that he was. He lifted his nose up in the air and took in a breath. “Smells nice. Maybe I can have a go?”
“Maybe I can cut off your balls.” I got one step closer before Zilon pulled me back.
“Keep it to yourself, Landers,” Zilon snarled.
“Try seeing it from my point of view,” Landers said. “We talked about how she was going to choose one of us once we got to the academy, clearly I’m the best choice. I mean, we did start off strong. But then you step in and get the scent of her pussy all over you, so it seems like you are in the lead. But then she bonds with Philit and boom, that’s thrown out the window even if he refuses to accept. Then suddenly, she bonds with you too, and I’m left out here like ‘what the fuck?’ while you two get all possessive over her and get to enjoy the benefits of bonding with her. I don’t even get a fucking chance?”
“You're still on this?” I shook my head and went over to my pack. I needed food.
“So your answer is to throw a tantrum like a three year old?” Philit asked. “Fuck, three years even know better at that age.”
“I’m saying I deserve a chance with her.” I threw a hunk of meat at his head. He didn’t even dodge, he just stood there smiling as it whacked him in the side of the head.
“That’s the problem,” Zilon pointed out with clenched teeth. “She’s not some fucking horse you’re trying out or a thing to play with, yet, you’ve only treated her as such.”
“See Zilon, that’s the thing. I don’t want to ride her, I want her to ride me. I want my body in that sweet, sweet pussy of hers.” Philit punched him first, although Zilon would have if he had moved half a second faster.
“You know what, this is all complete bullshit. I’m done with this shit.” Landers took one last look at me, clearly expecting me to stop him before his wings snapped out and he took off to the sky.
“Perfect! Because you aren’t involved, anyway!” Philit swore, glaring hard up at the sky in the direction Landers took off at.
“Let him cool off. He’s just throwing a hissy fit. We had rich kids like him back at home, they all get pissed if you don’t suck their cocks in a timely manner.” I scowled, staring after him. I didn’t agree with how he was acting, but I definitely got it.
He had been the one to fall for me first, and now he was the one left out.
Fuck. I probably needed to go talk to him. Double fuck.
“Where are you going?” Zilon asked as I charged my way into the trees.
“To talk to him. He won’t be far. I can hear him well enough. I’ll go meet up with him.”
“No, stay here, I’ll go,” Zilon rushed to my side, ready to pull me back.