Page 85 of Monsters of Air
I took his hand, his palm warm as he pulled me into him.
“Come on,” Philit said. “While I can enjoy the view all day, I’d rather we get there sooner.”
Philit helped me off the rock. Knowing the city wasn’t far off renewed our energy and we were able to pick up speed.
“So, you gonna keep me?” I asked Philit after a few steps.
“I never wanted to not have you,” Philit whispered, taking my hand in his again. “I just… I thought things needed to be done a certain way. You are definitely showing me that that is not always the case.”
He grinned at me, and I would have kissed him right then. I wanted to.
Oh, fuck it… I went up on my tip toes, ready to taste him when a spear rammed into a tree trunk only inches from my head.
We all froze, staring at it.
“Shift!” Philit’s command slammed into me. The other two reacting instantly, the air bursting with heat and energy. Before me stood three massive dragons, barely able to fit between the trees. Zilon took to the air with a roar. As soon as he was up, arrows were zinging through the air in his direction. He spun, reflecting them all before moving out of range.
‘Get on my back, Rayna,’ Philit commanded. I didn’t hesitate, I ran to him, jumping as he completed his shift. His scales rattled beneath me as his spines moved around me, the long tendrils of him wrapping around my legs and locking me into place. I was impaled, basking in the pleasure spreading through my body as our connection solidified.
‘Rayna, hold on.’
I grabbed onto the spiked spine in front of me even though I knew I wasn’t going to go anywhere, even if I let go. Philit shot into the air and then dove back down. That was when I saw them all. All the Fae.
I gasped. It was an army down there. They blended in with their surroundings in perfect harmony. It was nearly impossible to see through the growing trees.
“There!” I yelled, pointing out an area packed with Fae.
Philit changed trajectory. Landers and Zilon were at our sides, blocking the attacks to let us get closer. Philit’s chest expanded, heat running through the both of us as his spines moved in and over me. The rumbling of an orgasm gripped me as he opened his mouth and roared. Fire burst out of him, slamming into the group of Fae.
Yelling rent the air as they tried to dodge. All three of us lifted back in the air and as we circled around and tried to get closer, but this time all of their arrows were focused right on Philit.
Something big and fiery came whirling at us and we had to pull back up. Fucking hell! They were launching massive boulders at us, the fiery orbs whistled through the air, moving way too fast. Philit roared, twisting through the air and out of the way.
I looked down as he spun, just catching sight of the Fae as they created the massive boulders out of the earth. The earth rumbled as the rocks rose from the soil, another Fae swiping his hands through the air as he lifted them and tossed them right at us, all without even touching a thing. They were using magic.
‘Go right!’ I screamed internally as another boulder came our way.
All three of us moved that way, barely in time for the boulder to shoot past us.
‘If that hits us, it will take us out of the air,’ Philit said as he turned, my body roared and tensed as he blew fire again, trying to take out the line of Fae. They screamed and ran out of the way, only to start work somewhere else.
‘Can’t we just get to the city and get help,’ Landers' voice echoed through me.
‘We can’t lead the Fae there. But we can roar. Perhaps they will hear us.’ It seemed like an impossible solution, but Philit was right, leading this many Fae to the city would not end well.
All three of the dragon’s roared, the sound reverberating everywhere as another volley of arrows were sent in our direction. Landers screamed, my arm aching as an arrow went right through his wing, poking a hole in the membrane.
‘Maybe we can get them to give up, make them think we’re more powerful than we are? Or there are more of us here?’ Zilon said as he dove and tried to attack a line of Fae, they barely moved, as if they weren’t even scared of him. Another line of arrows were thrown right at Philit however.
‘How?’ Philit asked as he spun, my head spinning as I went right along with him.
‘They think only one of us can breathe fire, right? It’s why they are attacking Philit. So how about we confuse them, at least on who. Can Rayna jump?’
‘What?’ Even to me my response felt screechy.
‘She can jump to each of us in turn, make us all blow fire. If we do this right, they’ll never know which dragon to attack,’ Zilon’s voice was tight as he tried to attack them again, and again they barely flinched. ‘Rayna, can you disconnect from Philit and jump to me.’
‘Nope. I’m glued here.’