Page 35 of Creatures of War
I took in a breath, barely stopped myself from gagging, before saying around a dry tongue, “As a dragon who has lived for so long, you should know that you cannot force a bond between dragons and riders. That you can’t create one where it doesn’t belong, and you can’t break one that has already been formed.”
His wings made a whooshing sound before wrapped around us completely. I bit back a scream as darkness almost swallowed me whole. My only saving grace was that the sunlight from the window filtered through the holes in his wings, and his wings were thin enough that some light shown through the skin. Still, shadows were around us, and he stepped closer into me until I could feel all of him pressing against my back. His free hand traveled down to my wrist, holding it. His hand was large enough for his grip to completely wrap around my wrist, making me feel tiny in his uncomfortable hold.
“Do not forget who I am, Rayna. I am the king. I lead thousands of dragons. I run this land, own everything and everyone on it. That means you are already mine. I can do what I want with you, when I want. But I’d rather do it with your permission. It’s more fun that way.”
He rested his chin on top of my head. I was in a hold I’d love to be in with Philit, Landers, or Zilon. Not with an old, creepy king.
His wings receded, and he stepped back.
“Return to your room for the day. I will see you sooner than you think. Consider what I’ve told you. As a king, I learned early on that nothing is impossible. If I want it, I will get it.” He turned back to his desk and walked over. As he sat down, he called out, “Guards!”
They came into the room, standing on either side of me.
“Escort the miss back to her room,” the kind said. He waved his hand, and they did as told.
Chapter Twenty
The guards weren’t really that gentle as they brought me back to my room. I was practically tossed into it. I stared at the door, almost tempted to run out and keep running until I was far far away from here. But then what would happen to my dragons? Or if I got caught, what would the guards do to me?
I couldn’t risk it, not with the current situation. It was like the academy was holding me hostage to keep the guys in check and them hostage to keep me in check. I wanted to destroy everything and get back to them, fuck the orders of anything or anyone in my path.
I was almost tempted to do it too. Which was why when Aylia came back from class, I was pacing back and forth in our shared room, breathing heavily.
Not responding, I kept wondering what I could do to change things. Maybe sneaking out again? But I didn’t even know where their rooms were, and guards were on duty with them. Plus, I didn’t know the guards’ schedules either. Nor did I know the layout. I’d be caught before I could even make it out of the riders’ dorm area.
“Are you okay?”
How could I get my hands on the security plans for this place? I’d need that before I could plan to do anything sneaky. And if I even got my hands on those plans, what would I do? The guys couldn’t do anything with their wings bound. Maybe I could find a way to break the bindings? Was it based around a key? Maybe magical? Some kind of password? I wasn’t even sure how their binding worked. I had no time with them to even look at it.
“Rayna! Stop.” Aylia stepped in front of me, making me nearly crash into her.
“Aylia?” I jumped back in surprise. “When did you get back?”
She frowned hard. “What happened? Are you okay? What’s wrong? I’ve been calling you forever now.”
I went over and slumped on my bed, feeling completely defeated. I buried my head in my hands and groaned as I fought back tears.
“What’s wrong?” Aylia sat next to me, rubbing my back.
I wanted to pull away from her. Her comfort wasn’t what I needed. I needed my guys with me. My very existence ached for them and this distance and block were driving me up a wall. It felt like a million bees had found their way underneath my skin and wouldn’t stop buzzing.
“I met the king again. Alone this time.”
Aylia gasped and jumped to her feet, kneeling in front of me. “What did he do? Did he touch you? Hurt you? Need me to do something?”
I laughed, though it was a bit dry. “And what exactly can you do?”
Aylia frowned. “I don’t know, but I’m sure I can figure something out. Maybe sneak some toads into his soup? Make him choke on a chicken bone? Make sure he has a nice trip down the stairs?”
My eyes were ready to pop out of the eye sockets as I stared at Aylia. “Are you serious? Do you even know what you’re saying?”
She blinked before giggling. “Of course, I wouldn’t do that, but isn’t that what friends are supposed to do? Say something so ridiculous, that you distract the other person from their problems?”
I realized she was right, and it had worked. She had completely distracted me, and I felt calmer. I smiled at her, squeezing her hand to let her know she was appreciated.
“So what happened?” she asked, still looking so worried.