Page 40 of Creatures of War
“I can’t believe she did that,” I whispered.
“She’s a good friend. I’m glad you have her since we can’t be by your side. The three of us get to see each other each day, but you’re all alone.” His voice dropped into a growl as his grasp on me tightened. “I hate it, that I can’t be there for you.”
“I hate it too,” I said softly, beginning to wonder if I nodded off in the library and this was only a dream. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were. If it meant I’d get to see my guys more often, I didn’t mind. The dreams were real enough. My body definitely felt how real.
“It took us time to find, but we managed to get an older map of the academy. We realized there are secret tunnels,” Philit said. “And one of them leads right here to the library from the dragon side of the dorms. At least we’re lucky that way.”
He stopped us in a nook tucked away really far into the library. He tapped on the wall next to the statue, and a moment later it slid open with Landers there, his huge grin greeting me.
“Hello, gorgeous. Miss us?”
I blinked at them, a lot of emotions hitting me at once. I really did miss them. So damn much. And it hit me how much only when I looked at them. Even Zilon was there, peeking over Landers’ shoulders.
I broke out crying, it was all a bit overwhelming.
“Shit.” Philit pulled me into him as he moved us into the dark passageway. It was wide enough to fit the dragons so there was a ton of space. Enough for all three dragons hug me as I cried and took comfort in their touches.
“It’s okay,” Philit said, sounding pained.
“We’re here,” Zilon whispered.
Landers rubbed my back. “Just let it all out. We know. We missed you too.”
They let me release my emotions and my relief at seeing them, not judging me at all. To think we came this far in such a short amount of time.
Zilon managed to kiss me, licking the salty tears off of my lips. All that relief was quickly replaced with passion as my body became all too aware of the people who surrounded me. Landers’ hands slipped down from my ass and around me, touching me low on my stomach.
Very quickly, like a light switch, the mood changed for all of us. Two of them growled as they tightened their hold on me, almost squishing me between the three of them, but I didn’t care. I needed to feel all of them at that moment, needed to make sure they were all whole and okay.
One of Philit’s hands pressed against my pussy, and I moaned at the teasing touch.
“I can tell you’re wet for us even through your skirt,” Philit whispered. “Are you hungry for our cocks?” His husky voice was almost too much, too intimate. My body tensed up, anticipation swirling through me.
Their scents overwhelmed me, setting my body on fire for them.
“There isn’t much room in here,” Zilon whispered.
“We’ll make it work,” Landers growled out.
Philit turned me so that I faced him, then he pulled me down on top of him as he sat down on the floor. He set his back against the wall. I cradled him, feeling his cock pressing against the entrance of my pussy.
They made quick work in getting rid of my top and bra. My skirt was hiked up around my waist, my underwear soon torn away. I was as naked as I was going to get.
My hands fumbled as I worked to release his cock completely so that I could really take him down. Philit didn’t say anything, just stared at me with dark, hungry eyes. He was going to make me work.
I didn’t mind. It felt more like I was claiming them when they made me work. Granted, it was only so I could pretend because there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that they were always in control. Always.
Philit’s cock broke free, and I wrapped my hand around it, giving it a couple of pumps that turned his breathing ragged.
Landers came to my side, dipping his finger down into my folds. He gathered the wetness that was spreading down there and teased it around, circling my clit.
I gasped almost jerking away, but Zilon was at my back, holding me there. All three of them worked over my body, stopping only just before I could climax. All of me was completely sensitive, too aware of the guys.
“She’s ready,” Philit said, wrapping his hands around my waist and lifting me up.
I hovered over him and for a moment, I thought he was going to make me do the work to sheath him, but then he pushed me down as he slammed up.
I screamed, a hand covering my mouth to mute it before we alerted anyone to our presence. We may have been in a secret passageway, but there was no telling if anyone passing by would be able to hear or not.