Page 38 of Skipping Stones
“Sure, Rob. What’s up?”
“Not here. Let’s grab a cup of tea.” He led her around the corner to an out-of-the-way spot.
“You’re wasted at TCN, you know.” Linney looked at him with interest. Was this the result of Gemma’s promise to make some calls? “You know Rory’s retiring in a few months.” Rory Finnegan was BTN’s correspondent in Jerusalem. “I’m looking for someone to replace him. Join us in London and I’ll guarantee you the spot. Think about it.” And with that, Rob left her slightly stunned, to finish her tea. Without thinking she pulled out her phone. Derek, who was thrilled she’d reached out, was full of questions.
Sounds amazing but are you sure? You love TCN.
Not enough to wait forever. And maybe not enough to work there when Mac comes back. It’s time for a new start.
He’s coming back?!
It’s been almost six months. Gemma says yes, if he gets his act together.
At BTN I’d have to shadow Rory for a while.
What will Mac say?
He doesn’t get a say anymore. This is my career. My life.
I’ll be worried for you if you go to Jerusalem.
It’s always been WHEN, not IF, I get an assignment like this.
New subject. How’s Olivia?
OMG. Nobody told me morning sickness could be this bad.
Oh no!
It’s hard on her for sure. And I love her even more for it.
Give her healing wishes and love—and keep some for yourself.
You too! Let me know when you decide.
It didn’t take her long. Linney called Rob back the next day, and they negotiated a great compensation package.
“I won’t let you down,” she promised.
“I’m counting on it.”
Linney met MJ for dinner. She owed her friend the courtesy before she told everyone in the morning.
“BTN? Wow. I’m so pleased for you.” MJ reached across the table to squeeze her friend’s hand. “This is a giant step for you. I’m sad we won’t be on the same team, but let’s toast to the next chapter of your career. And mine.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been talking with Gemma. My move to the digital side of the business is official in a month. I’ll be editing full time, with regular hours. I’m really excited.”
“To a fresh start for both of us.” Linney raised her glass and MJ brought hers up to meet it. A satisfying clink shared their toast to new beginnings.
The next morning, Linney handed in her official resignation and on her last day, she knocked on Gemma’s door.
Gemma gestured for Linney to come in.
“I would have preferred to stay at TCN, you know, all other things being equal.”