Page 6 of Reaper
No matter how hard I tried to focus on the information Scar had given me, I couldn’t. Leaning back into my chair, I considered delegating it back to Scar. He had been an accountant before he joined our club. Now he dealt with all of our businesses. It was a full-time job for him, but we paid well.
My mind went back to her creamy breasts when she had put her hand on her chest and her plump pink lip pouting out. I had wanted to bite into it and watch her blood ooze out. I gripped the bridge of my nose and squeezed. She was meant to be our pawn, and I wanted her kneeling on my office floor with my cock rammed down her throat because it was the only way to keep her fucking mouth shut.
I winced at the thought when I pictured Animal’s nose. She was too feral to have her teeth near my dick.
There was a knock on my door, which was a welcome distraction.
“Hey, Dad,” I said as he entered my office.
He was smiling, and he sat down.
“Why are you smiling at this shitshow?”
“We discussed this. It was always going to trigger a war. They don’t have the finance or training behind them like we do. The only thing they have is numbers,” he said.
I nodded solemnly. We discussed the possibilities of retaliation in Church, and eighty-seven per cent voted for it. Only Dad and my VP knew I would take the crackpot before the final Church meeting.
“I went to see her.”
“You did? She is fucked in the head, isn’t she?”
He shook his head.
“I kept tabs on Demon. She only came onto the scene with her brother six or seven years ago. Can you imagine going into that Club after living a normal life? What a woman would need to do to survive?”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” I asked with a frown. She was twenty-four, which made her a teen when she went to live with her dad. It explained her pimply face back then.
“I wanted to get a handle on what she was like.”
“Her mother?”
He pursed his lips and shook his head.
I sighed heavily those fuckers did not have a good track record with women. I picked up my pen and tapped it on my desk, sliding my fingers down it. She never showed an inkling of fear. If anything, her entire attitude had been of a deranged feral kitten hissing and spitting. The thought made me smile.
My Dad cleared his throat, and I glanced at him. He had a smirk on his face that put me on edge.
“Why don’t you lock her up in your apartment?”
I grimaced at him.
“You want to kill your only child? That’s fucked up even for you, Dad.”
“She is tiny.”
“It’s not her size it’s what comes out of her fucking mouth,” I grumbled. “Only one of us would come out of my apartment alive.”
“I’m old, and your Mum wants some grandchildren. You live alone, and I never hear the end of it from her. Take some responsibility for fucks sake,” he said.
I laughed. My mum was amazing she was the original old lady. All amusement vanished, and I felt like someone had thrown a cold bucket of water over me when I saw that my dad was deadly serious.
“She wants mentally fucked up kids? Because that is what she will get from Katiana,” I said, leaning over my desk.
“Son, at this point, she will take anything,” he said, getting up and walking out of my office.
“Buy her another dog then,” I shouted behind him.