Page 12 of Stolen
“I read your body movement. When you looked at him for a second your body language changed,” he replied.
“Wow. No wonder you’re the deputy chief at your age,” she mused. SynTanner resumed his seat next to her. She naturally slid closer to him.
“Am I at liberty to know what you and the chief talked about?” Blossom asked.
“Hmm, not technically. But it was just police stuff. This guy Chance, you know he was into local politics?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“We just don’t want him using his stature as a politician to evade us. They can be slick like that,” SynTanner explained.
“Psycho,” she muttered under her breath, crossing her arms. SynTanner watched her carefully. The disdain in her facial expression wasn’t false. You couldn’t fake that kind of disdain.
“What’s the deal with your family?” SynTanner asked her, trying to change the subject.
“I didn’t really have one. I was put up for adoption and ended up living in a group home for a while. No family had ever come to adopt me. But the woman in charge of the group home was a very nice woman. She took care of all of us and nurtured us until we found our forever home. I just happened to never get adopted. When I turned 18, I went off to college and I said my goodbyes and that was it.”
“What did you study in school?” he asked.
“English literature and cultural anthropology,” she replied with a smile.
“And what in the heck did you think you would be when you did that?” he laughed.
“Honestly, I had no clue. I just loved reading and I loved culture. Anthropology let me dive into working with people and their cultures and I loved it. I didn’t decide to open my dating company until I set my roommate up with a dude from the football team. Two years after that she called me and told me not only was she moving with him to Houston, but they were getting married. I don’t know, it made me feel pretty good that I helped her find her happily ever after. Especially because she was scared shitless just to say hi to him. She told me I had the natural ability to make good conversation and I had the energy that people were drawn to. It inspired me so I started my company and the rest is history as they say.”
“I definitely agree with her. Your energy is very vivacious,” he said.
“What about you, SynTanner?” SynTanner gave her a look. Blossom covered her mouth.
“I mean, Deputy SynTanner! I’m sorry!” she rushed out. SynTanner chuckled before laughing at her.
“You’re fine Blossom. You can call me SynTanner if you want,” he told her.
“Whew! You gave me that look! I thought you were about to bust my ass,” she laughed. SynTanner threw his head back, laughing deeply.
“Don’t worry about that kind of thing Blossom. Besides, I don’t bust a woman’s ass unless there’s pleasure involved.” He winked at her. Blossom gasped sharply as her eyes widened. Why would he put that image in her head? lord knows Blossom would never be able to forget it.
“Don’t start something now,” she warned him. SynTanner only shrugged and bit his lip. Clearly, he had no fear of starting anything with her.
“I studied criminal justice and sociology,” he said, resuming their original conversation.
“Well, I sort of expected that from the deputy chief,” she said.
“I knew way back then that I didn’t just want to be a police officer. I wanted to become a detective and then after that I wanted to be a lieutenant, and then I knew I wanted to eventually be the chief of police or apply to be in the FBI. So, I knew my education had to reflect those goals so I did my best,” he shrugged.
“I read in the paper that the FBI could potentially recruit an officer for a high-profile case about two years ago but I didn’t see or hear anything after that. Did you get to work with the police and they ended up keeping it under wraps because the case was such a high profile one?” Blossom asked him. SynTanner smirked at her.
“I’m not at liberty to say Ms. Freeman,” he replied smoothly.
“Gotcha,” she winked, knowing that she was most likely correct. The both of them went quiet for a moment. The air between them didn’t turn awkward, but their conversation had simply stopped. Blossom didn’t want it to end. She liked talking to him.
“Iron man or Captain America?” Blossom asked him randomly. SynTanner crossed his eyes at her, making a face.
“You’re asking a deputy chief officer to choose between two fictional superheroes?” he asked with a grin.
“Yeah sure, why not?”
“Hey, I’m the real superhero out here. Those characters get to say ‘cut’ in between rescuing lives. They got nothing on me.” he pouted.