Page 20 of Stolen
The strong brewof coffee teased Blossom’s nose. Nothing smelled better in the morning than a fresh brew of coffee. As her senses became aware, she began to stretch. Her stomach growled. Damn, she didn’t really have dinner, did she? Soon, the maid would come and knock on her door, ready to come and bring her down for breakfast. Blossom didn’t mind eating, but she knew Chance would be sitting around the dining table, waiting for her with that creepy smile on his face. So often she wanted to slap that smile off his smug face. He loved the fact that he could keep her trapped there and no one would come looking for her. She couldn’t stay in his house any longer. She had to get out.
SynTanner watched as Blossom began to toss and turn in her bed. She’d been sleeping peacefully when he awoke and started the coffee machine in the room. He was naturally always an early riser and didn’t expect her to awake anytime soon because of her rough night, but seeing her toss and turn made him uneasy. He didn’t want her to continue sleeping if all she was doing was having a bad dream. It was a difficult task to sleep on a bed just a few inches away from her bed and not slide in next to her under the covers, but he had done his best to resist.
Easing in the bed next to her, he sat at the edge and carefully placed his hand against her shoulder. The smoothness of her skin caressed his tough hands. Damn, she was so damn soft. He was compelled to be careful as if he was handling a baby.
“Blossom, honey,” he whispered softly. Her chest rose up and down harshly. When he called her name again, she shot up, screaming. Her right hand came straight at his face, attempting to smash in his teeth. Using the agility and speed he’d picked up from the academy and his continued training, SynTanner caught her fist with his hand, just inches away from his face.
“It’s just me, Blossom,” he urged, already knowing where she thought she was. Her eyes widened with recognition and then guilt set in when she realized where her fist lay.
“Oh my god, did I hit you?!” she shrieked.
“No honey, I caught it before you did,” he replied. He let her fist go. She clasped her hands together against her chest.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t apologize,” he ordered, standing. Blossom swallowed. He was wearing a new pair of jeans, but he was shirtless. His jeans were slung low enough for her to see the band of his Hanes underwear.
“Do you like it sweet and light, or dark?” he questioned.
“Dark. Definitely dark,” she groaned. Staring at him, she watched as he went to the counter where the coffee was brewing. A smile was etched on his face as he brought her a cup of coffee. She took it graciously, needing the pick me up.
“Oh, can I have some cream?” she asked. SynTanner raised a brow.
“I just asked if you like it sweet and light or dark, and you said dark sweetheart,” he said retrieving the creamer. Blossom felt the blood drain from her face.
“You—you were talking about the coffee?” she asked, embarrassed. SynTanner tried to keep his laughter to himself but he just couldn’t do it. He snickered as he poured the creamer into her coffee and left her side, laughing to himself.
“It’s not funny,” she mumbled, embarrassed. She tipped the cup to her lips and drank the savory coffee.
“Oh, it’s funny,” he said, slouching down on the couch. “How did you sleep?”
“Pretty good. Until the nightmare of course. For some reason I thought I was back there. Strange, even though I had a bed I only slept in the chair because I assumed if I was in bed then I would become vulnerable. So, sleeping in this bed last night felt so damned good.”
“It may be like that for a while, with having that nightmare of him. But soon you’ll begin to feel safe Blossom. I’m glad that you were able to sleep well. Your snores were definitely proof of that.”
“Please, I do not snore,” she scoffed.
“Said the person who was deeply sleeping,” SynTanner chuckled. Blossom giggled as she took another sip of her coffee.
“Did you hear anything from the chief?” she asked.
“Not yet. But the patrol car left earlier. Their shift ended and the chief didn’t see the need to set up another patrol car. Like we all assume, Chance is a smart bastard. He wouldn’t dare try to kidnap you from such a public place.”
“But what about after this? If he isn’t jailed then will I be looking over my shoulder every day to see if he’s following me?” she asked.
“Sadly, I don’t have the answers to that,” he sighed. “But for now, I’ll try to help you in any way possible.”
“This is bullshit. I can’t uproot you from your life to follow me around to make sure I’m okay!” she shrieked.
“Whoa, relax girl. Don’t think about that right now.” A knock sounded firmly against the door.
“Who is that?!” she gasped out.
“I said relax,” he ordered her as he stood and went to the door. Blossom craned her neck to try and see who was at the door. When SynTanner returned to her, he was carrying two large trays.
“You didn’t really eat a lot last night so I know you’re hungry. Come on. This is what you should concern yourself with.” He set the trays on the desk near the window of the room. Blossom watched as he crossed the room back towards her. He took the coffee cup from her hands and tugged her softly, dragging her out of the bed. When she was standing, he held her close. The heat of his body was a blanket around her. He caressed her face.
“As long as I’m with you Blossom, no one is going to hurt you,” he whispered. Blossom wanted to lean forward so badly and kiss him but she couldn’t. Morning breath. She hadn’t brushed her teeth yet, plus she’d drank coffee. She couldn’t kiss him like that. Damn it.