Page 22 of Stolen
This was a minor setback.Chance Lore hated setbacks, but what could he have done? Playing cool was always his game and he couldn’t show his ruffled feathers. In the end, Chance always got what he wanted. If Blossom was going to force him to play this game, then he would play. But she may not like the outcome. He never lost.
“Chief Preston,” Chance greeted. “And you know my attorney, Malcom Shaw.”
“Indeed, I do.”
“Last night you questioned my client and searched his home. He still insisted that we come here and clear the air about a few things because there may be some rumors floating around. We can’t do with the rumors chief,” Malcom said.
“As I can understand. So. Let’s talk.” Preston didn’t know what Chance was up to but he had to make sure not to cross any lines, or else the hammer would fall heavily on him. Attorney Shaw wasn’t just any kind of lawyer. He was the king of the sharks and he’d lost exactly zero cases.
“Blossom Freeman. Know of her?” Preston asked, getting straight to the point when he sat across Chance and his attorney in the interrogation room.
“Of course, I know her. And I told that to your cops last night.”
“Who is she to you?”
“My girlfriend—or rather my ex at this point,” Chance scoffed.
“Really? Because from her point of view, she seems to think you kidnapped her. Why would that be the case?” Chance looked at his attorney, his eyes widened.
“You’re joking,” he stated. Preston immediately sensed the change in Chance. No longer was he boisterous or egotistic because he believed he carried all the power simply because of his attorney.
“No. I’m dead serious. Why did you think the cops were sent to question you?” Chance looked at his attorney again.
“You don’t have to answer any of these questions,” Malcom insisted.
“But I have nothing to hide! If this really gets out my reputation is gonna go to shit! Why would she say such a thing?” Chance asked. Preston noticed how Chance’s hands began to shake. He was nervous. His confidence was definitely shot down.
“Are you nervous about something?” Preston asked. Chance looked at the chief.
“Last night, when we were followed by the deputy, I thought it was for another reason. Then, when he insisted that we let Blossom go, I knew it was just her way of getting away from me. Simply because she knew I wouldn’t cause a scene.”
“Get away from you?”
“We’ve been at odds. I suppose it’s my fault. I went away on business and I stuck my hand in the cookie jar. Blossom found out I was out with another woman and threatened to leave me. She always kept saying she was going to leave and that I was a cheating bastard but I always begged her and pleaded and she always forgave me. She was temperamental. If she thought I was cheating again she did the same thing. Threaten to leave me but then forgive me after I begged her not to go. Last night we were at the bar and I was too close to another woman apparently. She told me that she was leaving me and I told her it wasn’t happening. When I saw her talking to the deputy whom I didn’t even recognize because I hadn’t seen him, I thought she was just trying to make me jealous. I got her out of there but as we were driving back home, she told me that the cop was following us and that I better let her go and never talk to her again. Being the man I am, you can understand that I did just that. I figure I give her time to cool off then go back and talk with her. Blossom always needed time to cool off and then afterwards she was sweet and charming again.”
“And the reason you thought the cops were at your place questioning you?” Preston asked.
“I thought she reported that I had hit her or something. Not that I—” Chance shook his head.
“I can’t even say it,” he grunted.
“So, you’re saying you didn’t kidnap her?”
“Of course, I didn’t! I’m falling madly in love with the girl!”
“And the separate bedrooms. That’s odd for a couple.”
“She wanted the room. Technically, she didn’t really move in. But wanted to be with me but she was afraid of something as committal as giving up her own home and moving into mine. So, she thought she would feel comfortable if she just had a room. She came and went as she pleased, and when I wasn’t home, she still stayed there. It made us both feel pretty good actually. Because it was like we were sharing each other’s space but we weren’t all up on one another. Sometimes we’d play a mean game of ‘pretend we still live with our parents and sneak into each other’s bedrooms and fuck until the sun came up’. And it was all fine until I—until I messed around with someone I shouldn’t. A few weeks ago, she’d been starting to sleep with me at night. But after that mistake she completely shut me out and wouldn’t even let me in her bed either. None of the cops would say what they were questioning me about, only wanted to know my connection with Blossom. But I would have explained this right away. This can’t get out that I kidnapped her! You know what people will think? Hell, I’m trying to be voted as the next mayor!” Chance exclaimed. Passion and desperation exploded behind his eyes. Preston had interrogated plenty of criminals, and he knew when they became desperate to save their own ass. Chance was doing the same, but his desperation was in making sure the truth was realized. Truly, if word got out that he kidnapped a woman, his political career would go down the drain. Chance Lore wasn’t the kind of man to risk his own livelihood.
“Why’d you think she came here and told us a complete story about it then?” Preston asked.
“To get back at me? Who knows! But I didn’t think it would come to this. She might want to claim to be my ex, but I knew that if I gave her time, I would get her back. She knows I love her.”
“Yet still you cheated.”
“I’m not perfect,” Chance grunted. “But I’d take back that moment at the drop of a dime if I could,” he sighed.
“What I’m hearing right now is a bunch of he said, she said, truthfully,” Preston stated.