Page 24 of Stolen
SynTanner placedhis arm around Blossom’s waist as he led her inside the police department. As they walked through the place, a few of the officers exchanged very confused and disgruntled looks towards the both of them. SynTanner never really cared about the popularity scale in the precinct, but he knew that most if not all of the officers there liked and respected him. Now, they were looking towards him as if he was a good cop gone bad. What in the hell had happened?
“Chief wants to see you,” Detective Munn approached them both.
“Alright,” SynTanner said.
“I gotta take her down to the interrogation room,” he added. SynTanner didn’t fight. He let Blossom go, with a reassuring gaze. She nodded at him and allowed the detective to lead her away. He watched them walk away for a moment before turning in the opposite direction and heading towards the chief’s office.
The chief was pacing in his office, anger pulsing off his body. SynTanner knocked briskly on the door. Preston waved him in aggressively.
“What in the hell happened?” SynTanner asked.
“I told you. Chance Lore came in for questioning.”
“It’s bullshit if he thinks that he can press any charges against Blossom,” SynTanner scoffed.
“Yeah well you don’t get to say what that man can and can’t do. I just brought you in here to tell you that you need to be careful with that woman, Deputy.” SynTanner was perplexed.
“That woman? What in the hell did Chance say to you?”
“Heed my warning. Now, have a good day. We have to question Blossom. You were allowed to be at her first questioning because you were a witness. Now, you’re a civilian that doesn’t need to be involved. Good day Deputy. Focus on trying to come back to work,” Preston ordered. SynTanner heard the order loud and clear. Unlike last night, there was no leeway here. He couldn’t argue his way in to be with Blossom. He just had to wait outside for her. From the look on Preston’s face, Blossom probably wasn’t going to have a good time with her questioning.
When Chief Preston entered the interrogation room, a dark shadow of darkness came with him. He was definitely pissed off.
“Is Deputy SynTanner coming in?” Blossom asked. Ignoring her, he dropped a folder on top of the table in front of her. a few sheets of paper fell out before he opened the folder completely and spread the papers out so she could see them all. In it were various pictures of her and Chance at different events. Then there were printouts of her work calendar and the events she had planned in the three months that she’d been with Chance.
“Now, I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but you’ve not only been at work but you’ve been seen at events with Chance. This doesn’t look like someone who’s been kidnapped.”
“And I can understand that. Me and Chance have a very complicated relationship but he—”
“If you continue to make this allegation, Blossom you’re going to find yourself being sued by Chance. He claims he won’t do such a thing to you because he loves you, but trust me if this starts to mess with his life as a politician, he will sue you. And he’s got the best lawyer in this damn county. So, you’d better be careful.”
“But he—”
“If he did Blossom, there’s no proof. It’s he said, she said. No judge will grant a warrant after seeing these pictures, and no one at the D. A’s office is going to even want to go to trial with this. Especially not against Malcom Shaw. If you’ve got a problem with your ex, get a restraining order and deal with it in someone’s court and not in my precinct. I’m letting you off with a warning. File another false claim like this and I will arrest you. Good day.” He grunted at her before storming out of the room.
“Time for you to go Ms. Freeman,” Detective Munn told her. The blood had drained from Blossom’s face. Her heart was clenching as sweat gathered at her temples. Chance Lore had done it again. He had sweet talked his way into the good graces of the chief. Whatever Chance had told the man, the chief was believing him enough to be angry with Blossom.”
“Damnit,” Blossom snapped. There was no piece of paper strong enough that was going to keep Chance away from her. The chair scraped across the ground as Blossom stood roughly. She hurried out of the interrogation room. At the moment, she didn't know where Chance was. If he was still hanging around the precinct, watching her from afar like the creep he was.
Since SynTanner hadn’t come into the interrogation room, she had no idea if he had completely left her behind just like his chief was doing. Surprisingly and to her relief when she stepped outside, SynTanner was leaning against his bike. He stood straight when he saw her exit. The sun hit off his rich dark chestnut complexion.
“What in the hell happened in there?” he urged.
“I—Chance can prove that he didn’t kidnap me and well, chief Preston thinks I lied about the whole thing.”
“Why does he think you lied?”
“Be—” Blossom paused. She felt as if telling SynTanner would only make him angry at her too.
“We both know Chance is smart. He figured out how to snake his way out of this,” she said instead. SynTanner leaned forward and peered at her. He shoved his hands into his pockets.
“You realize that I became the youngest Deputy Chief for a reason, right?” he questioned. Blossom groaned in frustration. It seemed as if there was no use for her to lie to him. He saw right through her.
“Look, I realize that I dragged you into this and it’s not your problem. It’s best if we just split right here SynTanner. Chance will make your life a living hell. This is a problem I have to deal with on my own,” she said.
“Can you understand that?” she asked.
“I’m sure I can understand it, but I don’t see why it’s even something I have to consider. What is this all about?”