Page 37 of Stolen
“Good. Need help packing up momma?” he asked, but his mother was already packing the leftover clothes in the suitcase she brought with her.
“Just keep the rest Tanner. Who knows when she may need more clothes and I don’t mind dressing her.” Santana grabbed her purse.
“Come give your momma a hug and a kiss, I know you’ve got plenty to do today,” she said. SynTanner obeyed, hugging and kissing his mother on the cheek.
“You too little missy,” Santana urged Blossom. Smiling, Blossom hugged and kissed the woman.
While she waited inside, SynTanner walked through the front door with his mother, walking her to her car to see her off. They shared a few words together and at the same time they both turned and looked at Blossom. Feeling awkward, she ducked back into the house.
“I know they’re talking about me, but what did they say?!” she groaned, wondering and hoping it was something good.
SynTanner returned to the house, closing the door behind him. Blossom was leaning against the wall next to the door.
“What was that about?” she asked him immediately.
“She thinks you’re nice,” SynTanner shrugged.
“Is that all she said? Is that all you said?” Blossom inquired. SynTanner turned and looked at her.
“I don’t allow my mother to meet my girlfriends—or let’s not even use that word. I don’t allow my mother to meet the women I casually date. Simply because it’s casual. Momma can get attached to people because she’s so caring and doting and I don’t want anyone hurting her. I could have bought you clothes anywhere but I wanted my mom to meet you.”
“Then what? Am I your girlfriend?” Blossom asked.
“If you want to call yourself Blossom,” he shrugged. “But just know you’re not a casual date either. Point is, I feel a certain way about you and although I am grown, sometimes a mother’s input is helpful. Needless to say, she threatened to beat me up if I let you go,” he said.
“Your mom knows what she’s talking about,” Blossom winked. SynTanner looked at his watch again.
“You’ve been doing that for the past half hour. Are you planning something?” she questioned. SynTanner motioned for her to follow him. He turned and walked towards the stairs, going back to his bedroom. In the room, he began to undress.
“I have to do something important, Blossom. And I can’t take you with me.” Knowing she would probably react negatively, SynTanner was prepared for the frightened look on her face. those precious eyes gleamed with uncertainty.
“Why not?” she whispered.
“It’s a one on one thing. I just can’t bring you. I’m sorry. But I have this friend. He’s the only man I really trust. He told me that he would watch over you until I was finished and came and got you.”
“But—who is this man?! I—I don’t just wanna be left with a stranger!”
“No. I’m bringing you to him and that’s it,” SynTanner stated. Blossom clenched her hands together.
“SynTanner. I’m scared of being around anyone but you,” she admitted. “I don’t know who to trust. And even this morning, I woke up without you next to me and I panicked.” SynTanner stood in front of her. He unclenched her hands and brought them to his lips, kissing her fingertips tenderly.
“I’m sorry to put you through this. But this isn’t something I can escape. Do you remember how you could tell something was wrong with me after the shooting?” Blossom nodded.
“You were right about the FBI thing. They did recruit an officer. It was me. I went undercover for about two years. It ended horribly. But then I came back here and I just went to work. One day a shootout happened and I froze. Memories of how my undercover case went down and ended with so much blood spill literally scared the shit out of me. I could have died, just standing there frozen with terror and memories in an actual shootout. Not only that but I could have risked the lives of my fellow officers. Thankfully I wasn’t fired immediately. But I was diagnosed with PTSD. If I ever want to get back on the force, I have mandatory therapy sessions to attend every week. I thought I was doing pretty well you know. And then your company got shot up and I damn near froze.” SynTanner shook his head. He held the sides of her face.
“Sweetheart, I stood out there panicking, having visions and unable to breath because of the onslaught of memories from my past. In all that time that I was frozen, you could have gotten killed. In any other circumstance I would say fuck the therapy session, I need to be with you. But if Chance pulls something like he did yesterday again, what use am I going to be to you? How am I going to be your protector if I can’t bear the sound of a gun going off? And yes, one more therapy session isn’t going to heal me, but it can do something.” Blossom eased forward. The storm in his eyes was brewing so mightily, the only thing she wanted to do was calm that storm. She kissed him softly.
“I’m just a burden on top of something else that has already been paining you,” she whispered.
“Trust me Blossom. You’re not a burden. Even if you think you are, then know that you’re a burden I would be happy to bear.” SynTanner’s hand roamed under her t-shirt. He realized then that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Cupping her soft bottom, he kneaded her flesh.
“We’ve got an hour,” he whispered.
“Oh yeah?” SynTanner bit her earlobe. “Wait for me on the bed.” He patted her behind before letting her go. Blossom didn’t question it. She hopped her ass on that bed, stripping his shirt from her body. SynTanner disappeared into the bathroom. Blossom’s stomach was already fluttering with butterflies as she laid back on her elbows with her legs casually open, waiting for her man to return. Her man. Blossom liked the sound of that.
SynTanner returned to the bedroom buck naked. His dick was jutting out, hard and pulse already covered with latex. Memories of what his dick did to her just the night before befell her brain. The butterflies in her stomach raged harder. She slid backwards on the bed, not stopping until her head hit the headboard. Gazing directly at her, SynTanner started at the end of the bed and began crawling to her. When he looked between her legs, Blossom felt as if she could read his mind. She spread her legs and lifted then in the air slightly. He smiled sexily at her, his perfect teeth winking at her.
“You know what I want, huh?” he whispered. He blew across her ripe clit, sending trembles through her body. Ever so slowly, his tongue lolled out and he caressed her lips with long lazy laps up and down her pussy. Blossom’s mouth opened, a moan easing its way out of her throat. In her inexperienced sex life, the thought of moaning always seemed to fake and weird to her. She felt that the only way she could moan was by doing it purposely and then sounding like a porn star. She didn’t realize that moans didn’t have to be fake. That if a woman was touched in the right way, a moan would be natural and come easy without thought, with SynTanner’s tongue gliding in and out of her, sucking at her pussy lips, it was natural for her to moan. And then he suctioned his lips around her clit and she exploded. SynTanner drank the juices she gave him, continuing to slurp and suck, further claiming her. Tapping his arm because she felt she was on the precipice of passing out was the only way to get him to stop. Finally, he rose up, a devilish grin on his face as he licked his lips.