Page 14 of The Wanderer
"Yes, yes, yes…"
He covered her mouth as she came apart, swallowing her scream of release, as he thrust one last time and followed her into an orgasm that rocked him to his core.
Logan had no idea how long it took his mind and muscles to work in sync again but as he eased away to look Hope in the eyes, he knew one thing.
One fast and furious fuck with this woman wouldn't be enough.
Chapter Eight
Hope clung to Logan's hand as they re-entered the pub's back door. She needed the support, considering her legs hadn't recovered from that pounding he'd given her in the back alley.
Even now, after she'd come down off the high of that earth-shattering orgasm, she felt wobbly and a tad off-kilter.
She'd never had sex in a public place before, had never contemplated it, but this crazy out of control yearning to have Logan had made her lose her mind.
And for the first time in her life, she didn't care.
Despite moving to the other side of the world to escape her parents' overt disapproval, inside she was still the model daughter doing everything right for fear of being judged and found lacking. She never did anything outrageous—force of habit—and discounting her penchant for not wearing underwear, she was conservative to her core.
So what she'd just done with Logan? Left her reeling, but in a good way.
He hadn't spoken since they'd disengaged but he'd taken her hand so she assumed he didn't intend to ditch her as soon as the deed was done. Not that she'd blame him if he did. She'd made it more than clear what this was: a quick screw to satisfy an urge and thankfully, he'd obliged. They'd part ways inside the pub and she'd see him Tuesday morning when he arrived with his crew. No problems.
As they entered the main public bar, she heard the haunting strains of a guitar being strummed. Her feet slowed as the soft melody washed over her. An original song. Untainted by commercialism.
Craning her neck, she spotted the sole guitarist perched on a stool, one leg outstretched, the other resting on a rung. He wore denim and a flannel shirt, sported a buzz cut, and five rings in his right ear, the only unconventional thing about him. When he started to sing, the hairs on her arms snapped to attention.
"What's wrong?" Logan stared at her, confusion creasing his brow.
When she flashed a beatific smile, the creases deepened. "That guy is amazing."
Logan gave a little shake of his head, like he didn't understand what the big deal was about. "Do you want to have a drink and listen to him for a while?"
"I'd love to." Her feet were already moving towards the table and barstools they'd vacated not that long ago.
"What'll you have?"
"G&T, please," she said, her attention riveted to the tiny makeshift stage and the guitarist.
His lyrics were average but that voice…goose bumps peppered her skin and she rubbed her arms. He was exactly the type of talent she wanted to foster with her indie label.
Lost in the lush timbre of his voice and captivated by his masterful strumming, she jumped when Logan touched her on the arm. "Here you go."
"Thanks," she murmured, unable to tear her eyes away from the guitarist.
"You're giving me a complex, you know," Logan said, clinking his beer bottle against her glass. "I thought what happened out in that alley was pretty fucking great but now you can't take your eyes off that dude playing a lame-ass song nobody's ever heard of."
She bit back a grin at the hint of vulnerability in his tone. "You're a musical neophyte if you think that guy is lame."
"He is. Give me good old country and western any day."
"Each to their own." Hope smiled and patted his forearm. "Don't be jealous. I'm only interested in him for his music. And you're right, what happened outside was pretty damn fantastic."
"Good to hear," he said, clearing his throat to ease the gruffness. "So, my musically talented friend, what's so great about this guy?"
"We're friends?"
He rolled his eyes and she chuckled. "There's something unique about his voice. And his song writing isn't bad. Throw in the fact he plays a mean guitar and he's the kind of talent I'm after for when I launch my recording label."