Page 131 of The Hook Up
I grip the back of my neck. “Move in with me.”
The words are out of my mouth before I even fully process them. And they hang there between us, a detonated smoke bomb that makes her squint at me.
Her mouth opens and closes before a weak “What?” rips from her throat.
I don’t back down, don’t look away. “I know you probably have tons of very good, very logical reasons that we shouldn’t live together so soon. Hell, I can think of a dozen right now. But here’s the thing—” my fingers spread wide on the counter, the granite cold beneath my palm “—in the beginning, I moved with caution, not wanting to spook you or push you—”
“And you don’t mind pushing me now?” she cuts in, her voice wry but accompanied by a wobbly smile.
It’s that smile that gives me some hope that she won’t turn on her heel and run any second.
“That’s not it. I wasn’t honest with you then. With what I wanted.” I take a step closer, my hand trailing over the counter towards hers. “And everything went to hell.”
Dark shadows creep into her eyes. Guilt. I know this, but I’m not going to take back what I’ve said.
I lower my voice, make it gentle, persuasive. “So I figure, I lay everything on the table now. Because, Anna—” My fingers touch her cold ones, and I thread them with mine, holding on tight. “When I said I wanted everything, that’s what I meant. I want to go to sleep with you, to wake up with you. Every day. The thought of you going home tonight, and me sleeping without you? I hate it.”
“You do?”
“You sound surprised.”
Lips slightly parted, she shakes her head. “No. I... I hate that idea too. I didn’t know if you’d want me to stay or go or...” She trails off looking flustered.
More than a fucking glimmer of hope.
I give her fingers a light squeeze. “I should probably finish stating my intentions.”
“There’s more?” She’s fighting a smile.
“Yeah.” I draw her around the counter to stand in front of me. Her head tilts back as she looks up, and I touch the curve of her cheek with my thumb. My heart pounds against my ribs. I’m going all in. But it’s what I do best. And I’ve learned my lesson; Anna is too important to go at with half measures.
“One day,” I tell her, “I want to marry you.”
Her whole body gives a reflexive jerk, her mouth dropping open. “Marry me?”
I can’t help but smile at her shock. “Not now. We’re not ready for that yet.” I trace her bottom lip with the tip of my thumb. “But one day. One day, I will ask you and hope that you say yes.” I palm her cheek. “You’re it for me, Anna Marie.”
She steps into my space, her hand landing on my waist while her other hand smoothes over my forearm to clasp tight. My heart squeezes before something deep within eases. She’s searching my face, a small smile breaking over her. “Because sometimes you just know?”
A grin pulls tight at my cheeks. “You have been paying attention.”
And then she’s easing into my embrace, her hands sliding over my chest and around my neck. Everything inside me goes warm as I bend down to meet her lips, but I stop just shy of them. “Is that a yes?”
She halts too, her cheeks plumping on a smile. “You know, you didn’t have to persuade me. I was going to say yes.”
My gut tightens. She snuggles closer, nibbling along my jaw, up to the sensitive corner of my mouth. I feel it at the base of my balls.
“You were?” I follow her mouth with mine, trying to capture it, but she’s evading, a smile gracing her lips as she brushes them across mine.
I grasp the curve of her hips and pull her hard against me. “Jones.”
“Baylor.” She laughs, and then gives in, her fingers playing with the leather cord around my neck. “Of course I was.”
Her thumb caresses the sliver of wood I carved out of my parent’s house. When her eyes find me, they’re wide and deep green. “You’re my home, Drew.”
I let out an unsteady breath. “We’ll be each other’s home.”