Page 59 of The Hook Up
“That’s right,” I say to the group. “Mom and Dad have spoken, so be good little fuckers and go to bed.”
Someone halfheartedly throws a cheese puff at me, but they’re going, grumbling their way to the door with Dex herding them out. As for the girls, all but one of them scurry off into my bathroom to put their clothes back on, freshen up, or whatever; I don’t want to know.
It’s the one who’s stayed behind that worries me. She’s eyeing me like I’m ice cream on a cone as she strides over, clad only in black heels, her breasts bouncing with every step.
I busy myself with collecting empty bottles, praying she’s simply heading for a drink.
No such luck.
“Battle Baylor. God, but you’re hot.” She edges nearer, her nipples grazing my arm as she moves around to face me. “Even better looking in person than you are on TV.”
Life-sized too. I refuse to edge back, but I want to. I keep my eyes on her face. “I’ve got cleanup to do here. You and your friends all set with payment?”
The smile she gives me is tight, her lips shining with a layer of pink gloss that would probably taste like stale wax. “Don’t you worry about payment. I’m off the clock for this. I’ve been dying to get my hands on you.”
Blue eyes rimmed in dark kohl gaze up at me. She’s all but thrusting her bare tits under my nose. Something my baser self can appreciate—a naked woman is a naked woman, after all. The rest of me, however, is embarrassed for both of us.
When I was in high school, I had fantasies of being serviced by multiple women at once, of receiving this exact type of proposition. Young me had thought it would be sexy as all hell. The reality, I’d soon come to realize, is seedy and awkward.
“Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not interested.” Not even a little. The need to hurry her out of my house presses on the back of my neck. More so when she leans into me and her breasts brush against my shirt.
She smells of beer and deodorant, and she had my best friend’s dick in her mouth not ten minutes ago. The thought makes me wonder how she kept her lip gloss so pristine.
“Ah, now, Battle—” She rubs her hand over my chest while looking up at me. “I think you’ll change your mind when you see what I can do with my mouth.”
I don’t want anything to do with her mouth. I’m fairly certain I’ll never be able to look at pink lip gloss the same way again.
Gently, I take hold of her wrist and lift her hand from me. “Honey, you could suck the center out of a Tootsie Pop, and I’d still say no. Not that I don’t appreciate your offer.”
She pouts, but steps back. “You’ve a funny way of showing your appreciation.”
“So I’ve been told. Time to go. Drive safely.”
It’s almost amusing the way she appears so nonplussed. As if she’s never entertained the thought of being turned down.
She takes one long look at me, and then collects her things, pulling a T-shirt and tight pants from her bag to toss on. “Why are the really hot ones always gay?” she says as she hoists her bag over her shoulder. With a flip of her hair, she’s out the door.
I want to sag in relief. Only Gray is busy glaring at me in disgust. I hadn’t noticed him standing close by.
“I cannot believe you turned that down.”
“I cannot believe you’d think I’d take her up on the offer.”
Gray shakes his head. “Fine, you don’t cheat. But some of us haven’t lost our dicks to a girl. I had plans, you know? And they did not include you sending those women home.”
Yeah. I don’t like to think of what those plans might be. Especially when Gray’s eyes are glassy and he’s slurring his words.
“Look, if you want to get laid, call one of your girlfriends.” Which is a very loose use of the word for Gray. “Don’t take women like that home.”
Gray scoffs loudly through his lips. “You think there’s a difference for me?”
“There’s a world of difference, and you know it.” At least one of his hook ups—and I’m beginning to fucking hate that term—wouldn’t expect payment.
Darkness lurks in his expression, and it hits me that his family hasn’t called him. “Want to crash here? We can hang out.”
He waves me off, wobbling on his feet as he does it. “Naw. Not ready to call it a night.”