Page 114 of The Friend Zone
“You. Like, tons of times. Which makes me wonder why you keep talking to me.”
I cuddle closer into her lap. “Seriously, Fi, what am I going to do? It’s all fun and games to call me a baby mama, but isn’t that what I am? God, how many prenup contracts have we seen Dad draw up for this shit?” I laugh without humor before pressing my hand to my hot eyes. “I’m a fucking cliché.”
“You are not! Gray loves you. Do not put yourself in that category of sad female who tries to trap an athlete through pregnancy.”
“But people will think—”
“Whatever the fuck they want to think. Their opinions mean dick-all.”
We’re both quiet. Despite my inner turmoil, I feel better. Fi is the comfort of my childhood and the one person, aside from Gray, I can say anything to.
“Do you want this baby, Ivy?” Fi’s voice is soft, almost hesitant.
“I think Gray does.”
“Really?” Fi makes a surprised chuckle. “Huh.”
“He gets this look in his eyes. Like he’s excited. Happy.” That look makes my insides melt and my hormones kick into high gear, and I have to fight not to cry. Even now my smile is wobbly. “It’s kind of cute.”
“And you?”
I sigh and turn my head to give her access to the rest of my hair. “Fuck if I know. I don’t feel ready. But then it’s Gray and me, and I can’t...” I swallow hard. Twice. “I just don’t know, Fi.”
Her hand comes to rest on my cheek. “Talk to Gray about it.”
My vision blurs hot and wet. “That’s the problem, Fi. I’m afraid that if we disagree on the decision, I’ll lose him.”
I turn and press my face into her belly, hiding in the dark. I think of my life, how it began. Fi doesn’t know everything. I can’t even say everything. “I don’t want Gray to be with me based on obligation.”
The real fear is that I’ll lose him regardless. Nothing good ever came from being forced into life-altering decisions.
Chapter 28
Gray won’t be spending Christmas with me. His team has to leave for New Orleans the Monday before to get ready for their bowl game. Two weeks he’ll be gone. And because I know I’ll be a distraction to him, I’m waiting until New Year’s Eve to join him there.
So Gray and I make our own Christmas early with Fi, whose boyfriend has gone home for the holiday.
Fi has decorated our small house with such enthusiasm it looks like Santa’s elves have invaded us during the night. Every doorway is fringed with lighted garland. Tiny novelty houses grace the sideboards. A big—pink—Christmas tree, hung with little glittering footballs and helmets and miniature pink Fiats, sits in the corner.
Gray has a good laugh over that. “Awesome tree.”
“It’s deranged,” I say in an undertone.
“It’s kitsch,” Fi stresses. “And it’s fabulous.”
“Where in the hell did you get these little Fiat ornaments?” I ask, truly impressed.
Fi grins wide. “The internet is a wild and wonderful place, my friends.”
“It needs one thing,” Gray says before bounding into my bedroom. His grin is devious as he jogs back.
Fi shrieks when she sees that he’s holding the tiny Tinker Bell doll I had sitting on my dresser, but I laugh. I’d told Gray once that it reminded me of Fi.
He doesn’t even have to stretch to reach the top of the tree. “There.” He nestles the little Tinker Bell on the upmost branch. “A teeny Fiona to watch over us.”
“Asshole,” my sister mutters, then laughs.