Page 19 of The Friend Zone
She snorts. “Only you would befriend a guy and have no clue what he looks like.”
“I didn’t want to know,” I admit. “I can’t really explain, but if I knew what he looked like, it would make our separation more real, make it harder on me that we were three thousand miles apart.”
The confession has me feeling oddly exposed, and I curl up tighter on the bed.
“I’m pretty sure finding out he was a babe would make it worse,” Fi agrees with a leer. “I mean, tell me you didn’t see him for the first time and think, ‘Holy hotness, Batman!’”
“I was...surprised.” I’d been floored. “But it’s not like I expected him to be ugly or anything.”
Even if Gray had ended up being less than attractive, it wouldn’t have mattered. He has charisma in spades.
“I nearly wet myself when I saw him,” Fi prattles on. “Jay-sus, he’s hot. And freaking huge. A veritable mountain of sexy.”
She fans her face with exaggerated movements. “Seriously, could climb him like Everest, make base camp at his cock, and tackle the rest in the morning.”
“Fi! Would you stop?” My cheeks burn at the image she put in my head.
“Why? It’s true. And I bet you agree.” She narrows her bloodshot eyes. “Don’t you.”
It isn’t a question.
I hug a fuzzy white throw pillow to my chest. “He’s my friend. I’m not thinking about him in that way.”
“Friend I’d like to fuck.”
I lurch up and turn to glare at her. “Don’t you even think about it.”
Fi’s expression is placid. “I was kidding. But it looks like someone’s already territorial.”
“Of course I am. He’s awesome. One of the few people I’ve instantly clicked with. And I’m not going to have that mucked up with...with...emotions.” I wave my hand in irritation, nearly bopping Fi in the head in the process.
She ducks and snuggles further down into my bed. “Something tells me emotions are going to be involved regardless. But you don’t have to worry about me. I have a boyfriend. Jake. He’s a senior and he’s beautiful.”
“Does he wear plaid shirts and drive a red Porsche?”
“Har. Although he does bear a passing resemblance to Jake Ryan. Hmm...I wonder if I could get him to rent a Porsche and wait for me in front of a church.”
Fi nibbles her bottom lip as if picturing this Sixteen Candles reenactment.
“You’d actually have to attend church,” I say. “Which would put you at risk of being struck by lightning.”
“As if you can talk.” She pins me with her stare. “I give it one month before you jump Gray’s bones. And that long only because I know you’re stubborn.”
“Shouldn’t you be napping?”
“I’ve napped enough. I may puke sometime in the near future, but I’ll be sure to let you know when.”
Making a gagging face, I swing my legs over the side of the bed. “Brilliant. I’m going to shower this airplane funk off me.”
Fi’s voice follows me as I escape to the sanctity of my bathroom. “Glad you’re home, Iv!”
“Glad to be home, Fi,” I call back.
“I dare you not to think of that sexy mountain of man while you wash your lady bits!”
I slam the door on her evil cackle.