Page 2 of The Friend Zone
GrayG: Mac? How do you feel about 18” chrome rims? Pretty sure when you see the result, you’ll love them.
IvyMac: What? You’re shitting me, right?!?
GrayG: Foul language, Miss Mac? I am appalled. Keep that up and I’m going to have to call shenanigans.
IvyMac: Gray! What the fuck did you do to my car?!?
GrayG: Ha! Gotcha. You freaked. Admit it.
IvyMac: I admit nothing!! Are you waking me up to terrorize me as payback for waking you up the other morning?
GrayG: Mac, it’s 8 p.m. in London. Why are you asleep?
IvyMac: Gotta get up at 3:30 a.m. I’m an apprentice at my mom’s bakery
GrayG: Pastries and shit? Oh, God, I’m having a moment.
IvyMac: Like the sweets, big guy?
GrayG: Are you talking dirty to me, Mac?
IvyMac: *eye roll* Is there a real reason for this text?
GrayG: Guess not. Sorry to bug you. Night, Mac.
IvyMac: You aren’t bugging me. I’m just grumpy because I hate getting up early. People say I’m...prickly. I don’t mean to be.
GrayG: Prickly? Naw. You’re...saucy. Like that sauce on a Big Mac.
IvyMac: If you call me special sauce, you lose a nut.
GrayG: I knew it. You’re talking dirty to me! Shenanigans!!
IvyMac: lol. Dork.
GrayG: That’s Cupcake to you, Special Sauce. Go to sleep, Mac. I’ll get to work on the rims.
IvyMac: >:-P
And the next morning...
IvyMac: I was walking down Jermyn Street today. Saw a guy in a bright pink suit, very flash. Thinking of buying you one to match the car. You could make a whole pink power statement.
GrayG: Great! But I’m pretty sure that’d have to be custom made. Extra-long, too. I dress left, btw.
IvyMac: Is it just me, or do you mention one of your body parts in every convo we have?
GrayG: You’re the one who brought up my nuts last time.
IvyMac: Only in regards to kicking them.
GrayG: But you’re thinking of my nuts. That’s the important part. ;-)
IvyMac: Sure I am, Cupcake. *pats cheek* keep dreaming the dream.
GrayG: I knew it!!! You want me bad. It’s okay, all women do.
IvyMac: Right.