Page 95 of The Friend Zone
I pepper his face with soft kisses. He turns slightly, slings his heavy arm over my neck to hold me close as his mouth finds mine.
Emotion inside me bubbles over and rushes through my veins with absolute surety. I love him. I love Gray Grayson more than I ever thought possible.
Some people grow up gradually, the foundations of their childhood steadily sinking into the earth so slowly they barely notice the change. Until one day they’re simply standing on their own two feet with little idea how they got there.
Then there are people whose childhoods are smashed to bits in one blow. They topple into adulthood, flailing about for something to hold on to, and the terror of falling leaves a permanent scar on their psyche. Do those people ever end up feeling safe?
I wonder about that, because I fell hard. For so long there were days when it seemed as though I was still falling, when I couldn’t find a single good thing to hold on to, when nothing felt safe or secure.
Then I met Ivy. Somehow, she caught me. Ivy is peace and warmth and hope, and I find myself holding on tight, afraid that if she lets me go I’ll be in a free fall once again.
The fact that one person has so much power over my happiness scares the shit out of me. I know how fragile life is. Here today, dust tomorrow. But only a fool cuts his one lifeline.
I’m no fool, even if I act as though I am to the outside world. So I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Ivy.
Chapter 22
GrayG: I think we need to put a sexting rule into our playbook.
IvyMac: There’s a playbook? When did we get a playbook?
GrayG: We’ve always had one. The Book of Ivy and Gray. It’s epic. I’ve added a large addendum to cover sex. Play Pattern 1 (Shenanigans): fuck as often as my dick and your pussy hold out.
IvyMac: Lovely. You are truly gifted with words. Is there a reason you’re texting me when we’re in the same bed?
GrayG: To test out my new phone. And so I can see that little smile you make when you read them. Have you always smiled like that over my texts?
IvyMac: Always, Cupcake.
GrayG: Lie back now, honey. I’m going to lick that sweet pussy and see you smile some more.
“Gray!” Ivy turns to glare at me from over her bare shoulder. Her cheeks are pink. “Do you have to use pussy? It’s so crude.”
She sounds annoyed, but those gorgeous dark eyes of hers glaze over with want. It makes my hard dick throb.
“Vagina then?” I give her a leer. Her nose wrinkles.
“Lady lips?”
She’s laughing now. “I’ll never live that down.”
Grinning, I toss my phone aside and reach for her. She’s all warmth and long limbs and smooth skin.
“Love pot?” I murmur, skimming my lips down her long torso. “Honey muff? Secret garden of delight?”
“Nut bag,” she calls me.
“Now, Mac, we’re going to have problems if you can’t tell the difference between a nut and a pussy. Here...” I ease her thighs apart. “Let me educate you.”
Her phone falls from her hand. The sound of her squawking protests and laughter drift into a gurgle as I bury my head between her legs and kiss her softly. Again. And again. Until I finally take a long, savoring lick and lose myself, drunk off the honey-sweet slickness that is Ivy.