Page 13 of Her Choice
After I told him what had happened the morning Jack showed up at my rental house and how I ended up at The Wilderness Pack, he asked, “These people have been after you for two years?”
“Maybe?” Shrugging, I heaved a sigh. “I don’t know for sure. I kept moving around for a long time, but I got comfortable in the last place I stayed. I’m assuming it’s the same people since I haven’t done anything to attract anyone’s attention.”
“Then we’ll just have to be prepared to run if it’s needed,” he announced, as if it was no big deal.
I was so touched by how he didn’t seem to care that being with me might change his life and not for the better. “I hate that I might end up tearing you away from the place you’ve made your home.”
“I spent years roaming the country aimlessly by myself. I don’t care where we are as long as I have you.” Happiness shone from his dark eyes as he smiled at me. “Being rejected was brutal, but I’d happily go through every moment of that pain as long as I knew you’d be waiting for me at the end of it all.”
If I had any doubts that Aaron was the man for me, they would’ve been wiped away right then and there.
It was amazing how much my life had changed over the past few days. My future, which had seemed so bleak, was now filled with happiness. And passion.
So much that my sweet mate barely stirred when I slid out of bed after pressing a kiss against the top of her head. Her dark blond locks were spread across the white sheets, and her gorgeous face was pressed into the pillow as she slept.
I’d taken her curvy body countless times already, but it barely touched the surface of my need for her. Even now, only a few hours since I last woke her up with my mouth on her delicious pussy, my cock hardened as I stared down at her. I wanted nothing more than to crawl back onto the mattress and get another taste of her sweet nectar, but I knew she needed more rest. And food.
Tearing my gaze from her, I padded into the bathroom to get cleaned up before heading into the kitchen. I brewed myself a cup of much-needed coffee, and then I got to work on making pancakes. When I’d asked my mom for the recipe, she’d mentioned that other fruit could be substituted for the blueberries, but I’d never tried anything else. When we went into town for supplies the other day, my mate mentioned how much she loved apples. We picked up a bag, so I figured I would see how they worked with my mom’s recipe this morning.
Half an hour—and some trial and error—later, I had the perfect plate full of apple and cinnamon pancakes to bring to Cressida.
“Breakfast in bed?” my gorgeous mate gasped, scooting up so her back was against the headboard of our bed. “You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble. Especially since it was my turn to cook this morning.”
I didn’t think Cressida understood what she meant to me, but I decided on our first morning together that I would spend every day of our lives showing her. The last thing I ever wanted was for her to doubt her choice to take me as her mate. I didn’t think I’d ever deserve to be the man standing at her side, but nobody would ever tear me away from my sweetness.
Now that I had my mate, I would never let her go.
“As good as your over-easy eggs and toast were a couple of days ago, I thought I’d try apple pancakes to see how they turned out.” I sat on the edge of the mattress next to her, setting a cup of coffee with cream and sugar on the nightstand.
Looking down at the plate I held, Cressida widened her pretty blue eyes. “Seriously, your skills in the kitchen put mine to shame.”
“You need to give yourself more credit, sweetness,” I disagreed, cutting into the stack of pancakes to lift a bite to her delectable mouth. My cock hardened when her perfect lips parted, and I pictured them wrapped around my shaft. I finally understood why it was called a blow job because it had been all I could do not to explode after only a couple of seconds when she’d gotten on her knees for me last night.
“Mmm, you have to admit the eggs you taught me how to cook are nothing compared to these pancakes.” Taking the fork from me, she lifted a piece to my mouth. “They’re even better with apples than blueberries.”
Swallowing the bite, I shook my head. “Not even close.”
“Agree to disagree.” She snatched the plate from me and held it close to her ample chest. “Maybe you should make yourself some of the inferior flavor if you love it so much. I would hate to waste this deliciousness on someone who doesn’t appreciate the superiority of apples over blueberries. Especially in pancakes.”
I pretended to consider her suggestion before shrugging. “I guess I could do that, but then we might not have enough time to shift and go for a run in the forest before Keane and Laina are expecting us at their cabin for lunch.”
She dropped the fork, and it clattered on the plate. “You want to go for a run this morning?”
“My wolf is dying to get out,” I admitted with a nod. “He wants to spend some time with his mate, too.”
“I would love that,” she breathed. “It’s been so long since I’ve felt safe enough to let my unicorn run free.”
I hated that Cressida had needed to be so careful for the past two years, but I loved that I was the one who got to relieve that burden for her now that she’d chosen me as her mate. “Then hurry up and finish your breakfast so we can meet each other’s animals and let them have a good run together.”
She wolfed down the rest of the pancakes, and about half an hour later, we were deep in the forest surrounding the cabins. When we reached the edge of a waterfall I’d found during one of my first runs here, I stripped Cressida out of her shirt before whipping mine over my head. Then I tugged my mate close to give her a kiss. “Do you want me to shift first? Or do you want to let me see your unicorn before you meet my wolf?”
Color filled her cheeks as she ducked her head. “Umm…I guess I could go first. My unicorn is more than ready to show off for you.”
Pressing a finger under her chin, I waited until her gaze met mine to remind her, “You don’t have anything to be shy about, sweetness. I’ve already seen, touched, and tasted every inch of your body.”