Page 51 of Savage Devotion
Multiple men raise their weapons, half pointing guns on me, half pointing them at Scarlett. There is a moment of tension, and then Scarlett and I smile at each other.
I ignore Alexis’s confused look as I lean down and kiss Scarlett’s hand that’s holding the knife. “You’re still faster than me at that, I see.”
“Always, baby,” Scarlett croons, retracting the knife. “You know how much I love knife play.”
Yeah, don’t I fucking know it. It used to freak me the fuck out how Scarlett wanted to be tied up and nipped with the tips of knives. I like kinky shit too, but Scarlett’s idea of foreplay was beyond the pale.
We need to get the fuck out of here.
But before I can make a move, Scarlett drags over a chair and plops herself down at our table. “Well, since we’re all here, we might as well have dinner!” she announces brightly, though her eyes glitter with malice.
I want to groan. This is going to be a nightmare.
True to form, Scarlett proceeds to mostly ignore Alexis, instead monopolizing the conversation by reminiscing with me about old times.
“Remember that weekend in Cabo, Damian? When we danced until dawn and made love on the beach?” She reaches across and puts a possessive hand on my arm. I stiffen, shooting an apologetic look at Alexis, who is bright red and staring down at her plate, her lasagna barely touched.
“Or that time in the Dominican when we went skinny dipping in the moonlight?” She traces a finger along my arm. “Those were such magical nights.”
A muscle twitches in my jaw, but I keep my expression impassive. I have to be the picture of the unflappable Mob Boss.
“Those were different times,” I state coolly, gently shrugging off Scarlett’s wandering hand.
Scarlett waves a dismissive hand. “Oh, don’t be such a stick in the mud in front of your cousin.” Scarlett shoots Alexis a scathing look, her blue eyes icy. “Unless Maria here is some uptight little church bitch?”
Alexis’s blush deepens, but she remains silent, shoulders tense. My eyes narrow infinitesimally at the insult, but my voice remains even. “My cousin is a lady who deserves respect. Watch yourself, Scarlett.”
A flash of irritation crosses Scarlett’s face before her saccharine smile returns. “Of course, of course. We’re just having a little fun reminiscing, aren’t we?”
Before I can respond, she launches into a graphic story about our past debauchery in Venice, making sure to throw in every sordid detail.
I keep my face an inscrutable mask even as Alexis squirms uncomfortably beside her. I will not give Scarlett the satisfaction of seeing how repulsed I am by her.
“Such romance and passion we had!” Scarlett gushes with a wistful sigh, oblivious to Alexis’s deepening mortification. “Don’t you miss that, baby?”
My voice is steel. “Those days are gone, Scarlett. Best we stay in the present, don’t you think?”
My eyes bore into hers with an intensity that finally, finally gives her pause. For a beat, Scarlett looks chastised and slightly unnerved by my unruffled demeanor. But she quickly recovers with a bitter laugh. “You’re no fun anymore, Damian.”
As she launches into another R-rated tale from our past, I fight to keep my expression bland and unbothered. I’m the picture of cool indifference, not letting Scarlett see how deeply she’s twisting the knife.
Alexis grimaces at Scarlett’s tale from my past, clearly trying and failing to keep her composure. Her hand shakes, clumsily knocking into her water glass and nearly sending it toppling.
“Everything okay over there, Maria?” I ask evenly, even though I’m concerned.
She nods quickly, flashing me a tight smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. It’s painfully obvious that she’s deeply uncomfortable, despite her attempts to hide it.
Scarlett watches the exchange with a sickly sweet look of faux sympathy. “Aw, are we making poor little Maria blush with our grown-up talk?” She flutters her lashes in mock innocence. “I forgot what a delicate flower you are.”
The jab hit its mark and Alexis’s cheeks burn crimson. My jaw ticks, but otherwise, my expression remains unreadable. Inwardly, I’m seething at Scarlett’s bullshit.
For her part, Scarlett looks utterly delighted at having rattled Alexis so thoroughly. She aims another barb her way, no doubt hoping for an angrier reaction to feed on.
But Alexis stays mute, eyes downcast as she shrinks into herself. After a moment, Scarlett’s grin fades into a petulant pout at being denied the show she wants.
“Ugh, you’re no fun,” she spits before she turns to me, her blue eyes like ice chips. “You know, I don’t care whether she’s your cousin or not. Get rid of the third wheel.”