Page 85 of Savage Devotion
Discreetly tapping my earpiece in my ear, I scan the crowd of well-dressed people, searching for any sign of my uncle. Finally, I spot his familiar gray hair and sharp eyes across the lobby. With anger coursing through me, I make my way over, plastering a contrite expression on my face.
“Uncle,” I say, inclining my head slightly. “I’m… glad you’re here.”
Vinny’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, then narrow in suspicion. “Damian. This is a surprise. What are you up to, boy? I hope you don’t think you’ll actually be able to rescue the girl. She belongs to The Brotherhood, and unless you plan on starting a war?—”
I force a wry smile, even though I’m itching to wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze. “Actually, Uncle, I’ve been thinking. I’ve allowed myself to become too enamored with Alexis. It clouded my judgment.”
I shrug, a rueful smile playing at the corner of my mouth. “She is a nice piece of ass, I’ll admit. But in the process, I’ve put the Iacopellis in jeopardy.”
Vinny’s eyes gleam with triumph, though he tries to maintain an air of nonchalance. “Go on.”
“It’s time for me to step aside as Don,” I continue. “The Family would be better off with you at the helm. I’ve been too soft. I should have turned Alexis over to The Brotherhood right away, instead of letting my emotions get in the way.” I meet Vinny’s gaze, my expression resigned.
“The Iacopellis deserve a stronger leader. And that’s you, Uncle.”
Vinny’s grin widens, and he claps me on the shoulder. “Well, well, well. Looks like you’ve finally come to your senses, boy. I must say, this is the first correct decision you’ve made in a long time.”
I nod stiffly, my stomach churning with revulsion and hate. Vinny doesn’t believe me for a second—the fucker can smell a trap a mile away. But for now, I have to play along, lull Vinny into a false sense of security.
Once Alexis is safe, I’ll deal with my traitorous uncle.
Vinny grabs me by the arm, steering me away from the lobby and toward the grand ballroom. A security guard nods at Vinny and pushes open the door for him.
“Come, nephew, let’s get a closer look at this little auction of ours.”
I follow, my stomach twisting with a mixture of dread and determination. As we enter the ballroom, my eyes immediately seek out Alexis, and my heart freezes when I see her.
She’s one of the last two on the stage, standing next to a young girl, clearly no more than seven or eight years old. The child is shaking like a leaf, clinging to Alexis in obvious terror.
The auctioneer’s voice booms through the ballroom. “And now, Lot 44—a rare and precious young flower, ripe for the plucking!”
Bile rises in my throat as Brotherhood soldiers move to grab the child. Human trafficking is bad enough, but to use children?
It’s beyond the pale.
I glance at Vinny, who is watching the proceedings with sickening glee. Vinny leans in to nudge me. “Maybe I should bid on that girl. Make her into the type of woman I deserve. Children are just so… pliable. And they so easily want to please.”
Rage courses through me, and I have to fight the urge to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze until the life drains from his eyes. This is the type of man Vinny truly is—a twisted, heartless monster who preys on the innocent.
My attention is suddenly drawn back to Alexis as she fights against the soldiers, expertly breaking one man’s nose. My lips curl into a proud, feral grin.
That’s my girl.
Every fiber of my being aches to rush to her, to pull her to safety. But I have to remain patient, even as my body screams at me to rip, maim, and kill anyone who dares to harm her. I need to bide my time, wait for the right moment to strike.
Clenching my fists, my gaze never leaves Alexis, my heart pounding with a mixture of relief, fury, and love. I will get her out of this, no matter what it takes. And when I am done, Vinny, Scarlett, and the rest of The Brotherhood will pay dearly for their crimes.
But Alexis is soon overcome and is dragged toward the stage, kicking and fighting the entire way. The crowd murmurs as she’s thrust into the spotlight.
“So much fight in her.” Vinny chuckles, a cruel edge to his voice. “Just like her mother.”
Time suddenly seems to freeze as his words echo in my ears.
Vinny’s lips curl into a malicious smile as he continues, “Poor little Alexis had been so frightened after I killed her mother. I was supposed to kill Alexis too, but she managed to escape me. But now, I’m so glad I didn’t. She’s so much more useful to me now.”
The blood drains from my face as the horrifying realization sinks in. My father never killed Alexis’s mother. Vinny had. Which means…
Whirling on my uncle, I ignore the orders coming through my earpiece from Bobby. “Invicta didn’t kill Mom, Dad, and Alessandra, did they?”