Page 3 of Dare You to Love Me
Last month, I noticed that all the guys I normally go for all have a similar vibe. They’re muscular athletes with dark, messy hair that’s a tad too long. It wasn’t until I took a step back and analyzed the situation that I realized they all resembled my bestie.
So, I decided to look for someone who was the complete opposite.
Unfortunately, that backfired.
Now I just want to say goodbye and find Riggs. I’m sure he’ll laugh his ass off when I admit how sucky tonight was. Although, I certainly won’t be telling him the reason why.
I should probably get off these dating apps.
Clearly, they’re not working.
“So, this was nice. Thanks for walking me to the door…” My voice trails off, hoping he’ll get the hint that tonight is officially over. At least it is for us. Although, he hasn’t picked up on any of the subtle clues I’ve been dropping like breadcrumbs so I’m not sure why I’m expecting something different now.
“Yeah, it was definitely a good time.” Instead of meeting my gaze, he stares past me through the crack in the door before laying his palm against the thick wood and shoving it farther open. His eyes widen as he points. “Hey, isn’t that Ryder McAdams?”
I glance inside the living room and find the blond defenseman. “Yeah, it is. Do you know him?”
His gaze flickers to mine for a second as he shakes his head. “No, but I’m a huge fan.”
Of course you are.
A sigh escapes from me.
This is one of the reasons I don’t advertise that I’m friends with Riggs Stranton. Or that my brother is Brody McKinnon. I got enough of that when I was growing up. People who only wanted to befriend me in order to get closer to them. I want to be liked for me. Not because my brother played in the NHL for more than a decade. Or my bestie has the possibility of turning pro in the not-so-distant future.
“Wait a minute…is this the hockey house? Is that where you’re staying?” His voice escalates with every word.
“Yup, my friend is on the team,” I reluctantly admit.
He perks up and nearly shouts, “Well, why didn’t you say so? Now you can introduce me to all the guys. How could you forget to mention something so important?” He shakes his head.
“What?” Before I can tell him that wasn’t in the cards tonight, Nick pushes past me. More music and voices drift out to the porch as I stare after him.
Irritated by the turn tonight has taken, I reluctantly step inside and close the front door. A dozen or so of the guys are wearing Santa hats and ugly sweaters. Colby McNichols has a red hat along with a big white beard, minus the festive sweater. He’s lounging on a chair with a girl perched on his lap. She’s stroking her hands over his bare chest. The guy looks like he was carved from marble.
That’s not an exaggeration.
There’s a line of girls waiting patiently for their turn on his lap as if he’s actually Santa Clause.
It’s tempting to shake my head.
Colby has to be one of the biggest flirts on this campus.
And the dimples…
My god the dimples.
My heart has actually melted when they’ve been flashed in my direction, and I’d like to think I’m made of sterner stuff.
My gaze skims over the sea of students before landing on Riggs. He’s a little bit taller at six foot three than most of the people who surround him. A good number of them are girls vying for his attention. The moment our gazes fasten, a wide smile breaks out across his face before he lifts a hand to wave. Something unwanted warms my chest before spreading outward.
His gaze flickers to the guy I’m reluctantly trailing behind before he pops a brow. I roll my eyes and shake my head, silently pleading with him not to ask.
Nick’s mouth falls open as he grounds to a halt. “Holy shit! Is that Riggs Stranton? I love that dude!”
Before I can respond, he practically shoves me out of his way and plows through the thick crowd until he reaches the dark-haired defenseman. I end up knocking into a girl just as she’s about to take a drink from her red cup. Half of the golden liquid gets dumped down the front of the reindeer T-shirt that clings to her like a second skin.
My face heats as I mutter an apology and shimmy past her. When I glance at Riggs for a second time, he’s grinning ear to ear and his broad shoulders are shaking with amusement.