Page 23 of Seth’s Doll
I clear my throat and finish reading the letter, because I can’t stand waiting to see and touch her any longer.
“I know you are incapable of hurting me. I know that with every fiber of my being. I know that is as true as I do combining hydrogen and oxygen will create water.
And because I know that, and because of your incredible ability to read even the tiniest twitch, as I mentioned above, to know just how far your partner can be pushed, this is also my written oath to my Master, Seven, giving up my right of hard limits. This is the highest gift a submissive can give to their Dominant. A gift not every sub is willing to give, no matter how much they trust their partner or how long they’ve been together, and something most Doms will never receive in their lifetime. But no one in this world is more deserving than you.
I trust you with my body, mind, and soul even more than I trust my own instincts.
I trust you to push me past where my mind and fears tell me to stop.
I trust you to take my body’s natural reaction to freeze the same way you would if a submissive called Yellow, not Red—pause to check in, assess what’s going on, and then continue the way you see fit.
I trust in your judgement, to move past that boundary without going too far, but also to take me far enough I’ll learn to conquer my mind’s control over my body.
I know you’ll never abuse the power I’m handing over to you freely, so I have no doubts about giving you this gift. In fact, I would beg you to take it if you’re hesitant to accept it. This is not only what I want to give you. This is what I want to give myself. To be a sub who can obey her master’s every order without pause, even if fear is still present. I want to be brave.
I love you with everything I am.
Happy birthday.
Your Doll”
For once in my life, I have no words.
There is nothing I can think to say that would be a worthy-enough response to what Twyla just gave me.
So instead of saying anything, I vow to myself that I will give her what she wants in return for a gift I never would have guessed, even if I’d been given a million clues.
Hesitant to accept it?
Fuck no.
But only because my wife has made it perfectly clear this is something she wants. Not only that, but if the past week and all its revelations are anything to go by, it sounds more like something she needs. She needs me to take full control and destroy the limits her mind set for her without her consent.
I do need a moment though. To collect my thoughts. To wrap my head around what this will mean for our relationship as Dominant and submissive from this day forward. But only a moment, because I don’t want to make her worry.
I step back and prop my ass against the playtable, where I know she can still see me, and read the card once again, this time to myself. It’s something I’d normally do, to make sure I take in everything, so it shouldn’t cause her alarm.
I accept her gift, without hesitation. But this is a special case. I’m me. And it’s Twyla. My wife. My doll. The mother of my child. The woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. I’ll give her anything she wants, not without thought but because that’s something I refuse to fail at. If she needs it, I will stop at nothing until I can provide it for her.
Any other time, a Dom would be smart to hesitate, to really think about what they’d be taking on. I’m fully aware of the power she’s handed me. Only an asshole, a fake Dominant who should have no right to call themselves that, would accept the gift of a submissive relinquishing their hard limits, and take it lightly, without respecting what they’ve been given.
Even in a normal D/s relationship, with limits in place, a Dom should never drop their guard when someone trusts them implicitly to keep them safe. In fact, they shouldn’t ever feel perfectly at ease, comfortable to the point of nonchalant, with such responsibility on their shoulders.
Confident, yes. Always confident in their ability. Because a submissive will sense that, and it will aid in building trust.
A sub will also, on the other hand, pick up on it if their Dom’s confidence wanes, placing doubt in the submissive’s mind, which could turn dangerous.
For example, if I’m confident in my bullwhip capabilities and take great care while wielding it, my doll feels that and can relax, and the whip will feel like a breath against her skin because she doesn’t move. If I’m not confident, and she senses that, instead of holding perfectly still, she could panic and try to move out of the way but accidently put herself in a position that gets her hurt. Making it harder for her to trust me to keep her safe.
So confidence is extremely important. It’s an absolute must.
Cockiness, however, equals carelessness. The last person someone should submit to is a cocky Dom. If a Dominant is arrogant, then they’re too self-absorbed to put their submissive’s safety above all else. They’re too sure of themselves, more worried about boasting than staying unwaveringly cautious.