Page 107 of Mated on Live
Her eyes opened again, and her smile widened. “Really?”
He chuckled, nuzzling her temple. “You’re surprised?”
“I thought we were going to wait until next year when we went back to Wav’aii.”
“I don’t want to wait. I want to do it now. We should have done it before we left, but I was being an idiot. Will you? Please?”
It turns out, she did have the strength to hold him after all. She put her arms around his back as she beamed.
“Yes. Of course!”
She felt him smile against her head as he pulled her close. Still inside her. Ovules refusing to relax, so his cock was kept warm inside her.
They fell asleep like that. Unconsciousness dragging them down slowly. Sweetly.
Sophie slipped away with a smile, loving how safe and comfortable she felt in his arms, his weight over her, filled with his warmth, exhausted from his lovemaking.
If that was her treat every time she got mad at him, she looked forward to all the arguments they’d have in the future.
The next day, after a morning of long, slow lovemaking, Sophie and Serval finally left the room.
Serval had a message waiting for him from Nox. It was short and to the point – as to be expected from his taciturn box.
‘Best camera work yet. That or better quality only from now on.’
“Best camera work?” Serval cocked his head curiously as Sophie braided back her hair. “Sophie, did you send Nox the segments we recorded already?”
“Yeah. I sent them after you left the planet. Why? Did he like them?”
Instead of answering, Serval pulled up the segment on the netsite and started playing it. Sophie tied off her braid and came to join him, wrapping her arms around him from behind. Nox had done some more editing on the product she sent him, but it was largely unchanged overall.
Silently, the two watched his interviews alongside all the video she’d recorded with the combots. For her first serious story, she thought it came out rather well. But Serval was silent until the story finished with a direction to another video that showed Holivair and the arrest of Prince Qui’tal. Which surprised her. The justice system in space really did not play.
“What do you think?” Sophie asked when the video finished. “Not bad, huh? I tried to keep with your editing style but-woah!”
Serval turned so quickly, she didn’t even have time to loosen her arms. She was just suddenly clutched against his chest, one of his hands holding the back of her head, pressing her against him.
“It was brilliant,” he whispered. “You were incredible, Sophie.”
“Thanks,” she smiled.
“No.” He leaned back, looking down at her, a new respect gleaming in his gaze. “You’re… really good.”
“You just noticing that now?”
“I think I’m only fully appreciating it now.”
Surprised by the admission, Sophie laughed, but Serval remained completely sincere.
“I’m sorry,” he said, running his hand down her braid. “You’re wonderful at this. At camera work, at editing, at story telling. Your genre is just so different from mine, it was hard to see it before.”
Sophie laughed, reaching up to twist her fingers into his olules. “Don’t forget again, got it? There’s more adulation you can shower me in than just my looks, you know? I also accept it about my work.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he chuckled as the door to the bridge opened, allowing in Korvii and Hela.
They had already been up earlier and made themselves breakfast before returning to the guest room. The two greeted them warmly as Korvii bragged that he had fucked his mate longer than Serval, so he was clearly the superior lover.