Page 16 of Mated on Live
“Your belongings were put in stowage. All except the ones you marked for immediate use. I had those brought to your room.”
“So, I get my own room?”
He gave her a look that heated her to her toes. “I figured it would be too soon for us to share one.”
She gave him a grateful smile. As much as she found herself attracted to him, she was glad for the bit of space. “I was under the impression that mates went at it immediately when they met each other”
“Some do. If they’re triggered.” He shrugged. “Our bond hasn’t triggered.”
“Huh?” Sophie’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean? I thought the trigger was, like, supposed to be this whole thing? We’re supposed to be mates already. Right?”
“It’s not that easy. My people’s trigger is by touch.”
“We shook hands.”
“Not that kind of touch,” he chuckled, his hands casually in his pockets. “It’s a specific kind of touch. And I’m not entirely sure how you’re going to manage it. Being human and all.”
Sophie’s head cocked curiously. “What do you mean?”
“Your, er, hair. Correct? It’s not sensate, is it?”
“Sensate…? You mean, can I sense things through it?” She reached up to touch her curls. “Er, no? I’m guessing your… er, hair is?”
“Sorry. Olules. I guess they can feel things?”
He grunted in confirmation. The tentacles on his head wiggling in their loose band. “They’re sensitive. Moreover, they’re a defense mechanism.”
“They sting.”
“Oh.” She grimaced, looking at his olules again. “Like… bad?”
“I’m told it’s very painful to species that aren’t allowee.”
“Precisely. You can see how I would then be concerned. For the allowee, if I were to let my olules and that of a female’s entwine, it would be only pleasurable. It’s considered an intimate act. Moreover, when you touch your mate’s olules for the first time, that is our trigger. But I am not certain how I can entwine my olules into your hair the same way.”
Sophie was petting her own curls now, frowning at his head tentacles. “I’d rather we maybe test it out first. On like some non-sensitive skin? Just to make sure it’s safe.”
He grunted again. “I agree. But we can get to all that later. First, let me show you around your room.”
Sophie had already gotten a crash course in common alien appliances – toilet, shower, pod beds – in the transport ship on the way here. But this ship clearly had a completely different vibe. And she wasn’t quite ready to finish talking to Serval either, so she was glad to follow him in.
Their bond might not have triggered yet, but she couldn’t say she didn’t enjoy talking to the guy. He was handsome, in a very alien kind of way. The pointed teeth filling the front of his mouth had been surprising at first, but when he wasn’t smiling, she couldn’t even see them. She found herself curious about the fins on his limbs, his ears, and wondering what other differences his body had.
But stinging head tentacles? She was picturing a jellyfish sting, something she’d experienced at the beach once. It hadn’t been deadly, but it had been terribly painful. She didn’t want to kiss this guy only to get stung in the face by his olules. Definite mood killer.
This whole mating thing had seemed so fun in concept, but the reality of suddenly being thrown at a guy of a completely different species and being told that they were soul mates was so awkward. Even dating wasn’t this unusual. She had been so excited by the idea of a first meeting reaction that she hadn’t asked questions. She had so many now.
She didn’t ask any of them, however, as she stepped over the lip of the doorway into her room. More rounded lines and bubble architecture met her eyes.
The room was flat with rounded walls, like she was inside of a donut. There was even a big sphere in the center that, she realized, was the bed. It had a circular entrance and was padded and surrounded with pillows like a cave nest. It looked super cozy and comfortable, and the walls were made of frosted glass, so it still seemed open and bright.
The ring of the room had benches for seating, a screen built into one wall, and shelves. The suitcases she brought with her clothes and daily items were set just inside the door. Another door on the other wall was already open, leading into a bathroom.