Page 21 of Mated on Live
He shook his head again, the motion a bit easier the second time. “No. I don’t want to sting you.”
“Still, I want to try. Can I?”
She held up her hand. Serval frowned at her fingers. So soft. So delicate. He could see the blue of her veins right under her skin, it was that thin.
“My sting is painful,” he cautioned her. “It’s not deadly, or anything. At least, it shouldn’t be. But it’s meant to protect my people from predators.”
“Capsaicin is painful too, but I like that.” She wiggled her outstretched fingers. “I do hereby absolve you of all fault if this goes badly. Let me touch. I want to try.”
He couldn’t deny her anything. Not when she looked at him with that smile. The idea of hurting her crushed his soul, but how could he deny her? He desperately wanted her to touch his olules. How else would she be able to trigger him?
“Just one,” he whispered, reaching back to pull the ribbon free.
The weight of his olules fell around his shoulders. Freed from their confines, they immediately began wiggling at the tips. He had control over them, mostly. But he had to consciously think about moving or keeping them still. Otherwise, they reacted reflexively.
He leaned in towards Sophie, letting only one of his olules reach for her. His entire body tensed as she stretched out her fingers. Ready to jerk back. Ready to yank himself free at the first sign of discomfort – it would happen quickly, he knew.
Sophie’s two fingers swept under the single olule. It twitched and immediately began to curl around them. So sweet. So warm. So soft. It was-
Sophie gasped.
He yanked back, severing the connection.
“Are you alright?” He asked, grabbing for her hand. Searching for redness or swelling or some sign of irritation.
She laughed, turning her hand and grabbing his. “It’s fine. You didn’t hurt me.”
He frowned. “Sophie, you don’t have to lie to me.”
“I’m not lying though. I’m fine.”
“You gasped.”
“Yeah, because you shocked me.”
“I did sting you.” He checked her hands again.
But she just laughed again, reaching for his face with her other hand. “Serval, I’m fine. It was a weird, shocky kind of sting. But it didn’t hurt. I mean,” her face suddenly turned red. “It stung. But I kind of liked it.”
He blinked at her reaction. Confused.
She took that opportunity to push her hand back from his face. Burying it into his olules. They immediately swarmed her hand. He shivered, easily feeling the warmth of her hand through the long appendages. They were like his fingers in their sensitivity. He could feel the subtle interplay of the tiny muscles of her fingers, the softness of her skin.
Sophie whimpered, but it wasn’t in pain.
Serval’s eyes widened as her fingers twitched in his olules. Her face reddened. Her eyes went glassy. Although she was being stung, she liked it.
Chapter 7
Tiny sparks of electricity, caresses of stinging pain, traveled all over her skin where Serval’s warm, mobile olules touched her. They were dry and soft, velvety, but where they touched her, they left a stinging trail that heated Sophie’s blood.
Like the sting of a spanking, but lighter. Localized. All over her fingers. Her palms. Pain that wasn’t quite painful but sparked all along her skin like kisses of lightning.
Her eyes rolled back in her head, her skin broke out into gooseflesh, as her pussy clenched eagerly around nothing as she imagined those tiny sparks on her nipples. On her clit.
Then, suddenly, it was gone. She blinked, focusing back on reality where Serval had leaned out of her reach and was giving her a searching look. He took hold of her hand that was still hanging in the air, examining it closely, before checking on her.