Page 28 of Mated on Live
“Er, next question is: How does it feel to have a human mate?”
He couldn’t answer that. She hadn’t triggered him yet, so he didn't know. But her channel wasn’t about honesty and truth, it was about the show between them. So, instead, he said-
The roughness in his voice, born from his desire for her, made her shiver in her seat.
“Yeah?” She smiled, trying to regain control. “It’s pretty cool having an alien mate too. Next question: what are the tentacles on your head?”
He answered that calmly, as he did the next one about what he was and where he was from. The interview was less focused than the one he conducted. She not only allowed tangents, she encouraged them. For content, she said, as she kept throwing him random, uninteresting questions.
What did he do for work?
What were his intentions – he didn't quite understand the subtext in that one, though apparently it must have some he missed because Sophie laughed when he began describing his intention to continue on to his next story.
They asked more about what kind of food he liked, if he worked out, if he liked the chocolate he had eaten on the live stream.
It felt less like an interview, and more like acquaintances trying to get to know him.
“That’s what it’s supposed to feel like,” Sophie said when he told her as much while she was adjusting the camera as it had gone out of focus. Apparently, the auto-focusing technology on human made cameras wasn’t perfect and needed to be manually fixed at times.
Maybe he should give her the combot he got her now. It would certainly be easier for her to record on that, and he wouldn’t have to deal with all the conversion that had to be done on her human camera.
Although, it would rob him of the chance to stare at her beautifully curved and lucious ass as she bent over in front of him. Imagining tossing up her skirt, fingering her slit, figuring out how to fit his ovules inside her.
“It’s a parasocial relationship,” she continued, oblivious to his thoughts. “I’m supposed to feel like a friend to them. Approachable, you know? It’s part of the whole appeal of doing what I do. They wouldn’t be so interested in watching me if it weren’t for my personality. And it’s the same for you. They’re trying to feel you out. Feel where you fit in our established paradigm. Careful what you say, by the way. You say one thing and it can be linked to you forever, regardless of your desires.”
He definitely didn't understand, but he wasn’t really thinking about parasocial relationships and social paradigms when she dropped back on that deliciously round ass, making her high breasts jiggle as she pulled up the straps of her dress and tossed back her hair.
It was ludicrous how sexual humans were, the females especially, without even meaning to be. She had no idea the salacious thoughts she had just put in his head with that simple movement alone.
“Okay, back to questions,” she declared looking at her phone. “Here’s one: Do you have any family?”
“Yes. My mother, father, and younger sister all still live on Wav’aii.”
“Do you think they’ll like me?” Sophie asked, though that was definitely not a question from her phone.
“I can’t imagine they won’t.”
“Well, what did they say when you told them about me?”
“I haven’t.”
“You… haven’t?” Her face fell, hurt swimming in her eyes, and it struck him in the chest.
What had he said wrong?
Chapter 9
It was one thing for him not to think about interviewing her for his show. She could appreciate that his viewership wasn’t really expecting things like that – aside from the occasional puff piece he was apparently obligated to make.
But to not even tell his family about her?!
Cursing in Spanish under her breath, she marched back to her room.
“At least tell me what’s wrong,” Serval said following her calmly.