Page 34 of Mated on Live
“Like you could even if you wanted to! Hela isn’t nearly pretty enough to be a distraction. And I’m not foolish enough to bring my female into danger!”
“No, your female is too weak to bring into danger!” Korvii smirked, fangs glinting. “But we’ll see. Hela and I are chasing a story on Jettiron. We’ll present our segments, and the one with the most views wins. Seems a fair competition, don’t you think?”
“Depends on the story.”
Korvii smiled, the thrill of a challenge in his gleaming red eyes. “Don’t be a coward. We’ll judge by the next story’s view count. And if my story just happens to be better than yours, that also proves that I’m better than you at picking topics.”
Serval opened his mouth to counter him, but the comm ended before he had a chance.
Growling low in his throat, tightening his hands into fists, he cursed Korvii in the elegant deepsea language, hating how easily the other male riled him up.
Better than him?
Serval and Korvii had been chasing stories for almost the same amount of time, but Serval had always been better than him.
Sure. There were occasionally times when Korvii’s story was more popular, but that was just to be expected. The useless domini male had to stumble upon something good sometimes, or he wouldn’t be worth the credz Nox paid him.
But to suggest that he was better? Never.
And the absolute gall he had to think that Hela was better than Sophie!
True, Hela was stronger than her. Humans were naturally smaller, softer, weaker than other species. They had no natural defenses or offenses – aside from their cleverness. But intelligence really was the minimum requirement for being a sapient species. Other than that, the only thing they were good for was producing hybrids.
She could be a distraction for him. There was no shame in that, and she seemed eager to do it. But Serval would never allow his mate to be in danger. If Korvii was going to do that so flagrantly, then he was a fool who would pay the price for it one day.
Serval’s grumbled musings were interrupted by another comm. He immediately scowled, thinking Korvii had forgotten something else annoying to say, but he wasn’t the one on the other end of the comm.
“Nox,” he greeted his boss, glad that the secretive male never used video comms. He wouldn’t see how irritated he was. Nox thought the animosity between himself and Korvii was stupid. And it was. Serval had no idea why he still entertained the fool.
“Your story on your mate is doing fantastic,” he said immediately. “Everyone loves her.”
“Of course,” Serval said proudly, smirking.
“Where are you now?”
“About to enter orbit around Holivair. Got a good one.”
“What is it?”
“Illegal exotic animal trading and a guilty shinuk prince.”
“That is good. Keep me updated.”
Serval hesitated only a moment before asking. “What story is Korvii chasing?”
Nox made a long, groaning sound of aggravation. “You’re both the most annoying idiots. I’m not telling either one of you what another reporter is working on! What kind of cheap, roadside vit-show do you think I’m running here?”
Nox cut the comm without any further comment. Which was all Serval deserved. Really, what did he even hope to accomplish eavesdropping on another journalist’s story? His was better anyway. Even if Korvii could use Hela in his reporting in ways he couldn’t use Sophie.
Chapter 13
Squealing with excitement, Sophie stared at her metrics. Getting human internet this far out in space was trippy enough, but seeing how her numbers had exploded since she started posting stuff from her life on a starship was absolutely stunning. Practically overnight, she was now number one in followers and viewers. And sure, she knew most of those people just wanted to see what life was like in space and didn't care about her, that didn't actually lessen the impact she was making on Earth.
And there would be some that did definitely want to watch her because of her personality. Because of her video quality. She wasn’t about to let that slip even if it was easier now.