Page 39 of Mated on Live

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Page 39 of Mated on Live

His combot fleet, for example, was not typical. He had to pay extra for the programing that went into all of them to make them function as a hive and coordinate together. Then, there was his main combot, the one he used daily for communications and work. That one was a bit more classic, but it had an enhanced camera in case he came upon a story. It also had a dark mode where the lights that usually sparkled off combots could turn off completely, and it would also go invisible to detection. A very expensive feature that would hide it from most common scans. While it wasn’t completely effective, it had enabled him to sneak it into various places throughout his career.

What his Sophie needed in her combot would be unique to her, and he wanted to let her choose whatever features she desired to upgrade her current, basic model.

The moment they stepped inside, her entire face lit up with excitement. She sent him a broad smile, practically squealing in delight.

“Really? I get to add whatever I want?” She asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Your human phone thing is ancient technology. And most of its features are Earth dependent. Your cameras are also outdated and clunky. With advanced video upgrades, your combot will be better. We’ll talk to the salesperson, and you can pick whatever you want.”

“Oh, Serval!” She hugged him enthusiastically as one such salesperson, drawn by her loud joy, came sauntering over to see how she could help them.

Half a mark later, they were leaving the store with Sophie’s new combot perched in her hands. She had chosen upgrades that, like his, had advanced camera abilities, installed software for video editing, and made sure it was connected to his ship in orbit so it could download all the programs she needed in order to get back to Earth’s communication relays and transform her videos into a format that could be uploaded to the Earth net. She had set its colors to white and red, telling him that the little lines on the floating device made her think of peppermint candy which, on Earth, apparently was traditionally red and white striped.

She played with it their entire walk back to the hotel, but by the time they were leaving for dinner, she was focused back on him. Her eyes sparkling with light and happiness.

“Thank you for my presents today,” she said as they stepped out of the hotel.

“Thank you for wearing that dress,” he returned, enraptured by the teal colored, short, tight dress with short, capped sleeves that she had chosen for tonight. It was obscene how well it showcased every flawless curve of her body, and nearly left him stupid and drooling.

But that dress was nothing compared to the shinuk designed one she presented to him the next night.

They had an early second meal, then returned to their rooms to dress for the party. He had to watch a tutorial on the subnet for the proper way to tie the thick, beautifully patterned belt around his waist. It was made of two layers of fabric, one a seagreen that complimented the blue of his olules, the other was a pattern of blue stripes and lines of circles in various shades, interwoven with silver and white, that reminded him of the sea. The belt was meant to be the highlight of the outfit, as his pants were black, tight on his skin, and tucked into a pair of black, leather boots adorned with silver chains on the heels that clicked with each step. The top, however, was white. It was as tight as his pants, with a deep ‘V’ on the neck. The sleeves were meant to go to his wrists, under silver chains around his wrists, but he had pushed them up over his arm fins for his own comfort. He pulled his olules back in a silver ribbon and slid another chain around his neck. Chain jewelry was all the rage on this planet right now, so he made sure his were expensive and enviable.

Serval believed in getting and giving the best. He would do the most in his job, getting dirty and hurt if necessary, but he would also demand the best in his private life. Such as never allowing himself to be dressed in fake jewelry. Call him high maintenance, call him a snob, but if he was going to be wearing silver chains, they would be the best silver chains.

He added some scent oil to his neck and wrists before stepping out of his room. Sophie’s door was still closed, so he took that time to answer some messages. Get some work done. Their hover driver messaged him that they were downstairs and waiting.

“Sophie, it’s time!” He called to her.

“One minute!” She yelled back through the door.

He waited. And waited. More time passed. He frowned, checking the time.

“Sophie, we have to go.”

“In a minute!”

He frowned, crossing his arms. And waited. And kept waiting.

“What is taking you so long, female?”

“You can leave without me if it’s so important to you,” she returned coolly, a threat hidden in the sweetly spoken words. Practically daring him to continue rushing her or leave without her.

He groaned, dropping onto the sofa. And waited.

What in the name of the spirits of the sea was taking her so long? How long did it take to put on clothing and get her hair set? He was tempted to tell her to just come out already, but that hidden threat stilled his tongue.

The waiting seriously tested his patience, however. And right when he was about to break and demand she just come out already, even if she was only half dressed, her door finally slid apart.

He groaned, head dropping back as he stood. “Finally. What took you so-”

His tongue was suddenly too fat and uncoordinated to move. Not that it mattered, because he couldn’t think of a single thing to say.

Sophie stepped from her room elegantly, an absolute vision. An illusion in the waters, trying to tempt him into a dangerous current that would carry him away. And he didn't think he’d mind.

The dress was in two pieces. The skirt was similarly in two pieces, with a layer of black fabric on the front and, wrapping around from behind, a patterned layer. The stripes were primarily orange in color, but also came in smaller lines of dark purple, white rings, and yellow chains. The patterned portion joined together at the front in a golden pin that kept it all together, though it was set so low that he was teased with the skin of her lower belly. A long slit up one side between the two pieces showed her legs as she walked forward, dark, high heeled shoes wrapped around her ankles.

The top was solid orange, matching the primary color of the stripes, covering her breasts in a band that left her belly bare, gold glinting at her belly button. A sheer, dark purple wrap covered it and her arms, joining together at a golden pin between her breasts.

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