Page 43 of Mated on Live
“Huh? I don’t know that dance,” she frowned, looking back at the formal, traditional steps.
The party would, no doubt, devolve into debauchery and more casual dancing later. But the traditional dance was chosen first to showcase the prince’s outfit, as it involved a lot of spinning, which would allow his glorious cape to ne seem at its best.
The dance was meant for one person, as the shinuk people would either dance alone or, less popularly these days, as part of a group. The better dancers were very acrobatic, showing off their natural inclination for climbing and sure-footed grace.
But the casual dance was a lot of spinning, whirling around, showing off the lines of one’s body or the movements of one’s outfit.
Something that Sophie would, no doubt, excel at, even without the obnoxious cape.
“It’s easy,” Serval promised, motioning a passing servant to take their cups. “Just move with the timing of the music and try not to hit anyone.”
“I’m going to get dizzy,” Sophie laughed, not even trying to resist him as he took her hand and pulled her towards the other revelers.
He chuckled. “Dizzy? From spinning? You humans are so delicate. Don’t worry, lov’alel, I won’t let you fall. Spin. Show them how beautiful my mate is.”
Sophie laughed, and she did.
All eyes were on her as she copied the movements of those around her. Wide, sweeping motions with her arms. Tall kicks. Swirling around to expand her skirt. She moved with easy human grace and sensuality that naturally drew all eyes onto her.
Serval didn’t really dance.
He stalked.
He moved around his female. Making sure that no one else, especially not those lusty eyed males watching her with undisguised hunger, dared to get closer to her. Her smile was bright, her eyes alight with joy and fun, and he would let no one interfere with that.
She didn’t know, she couldn’t, that he stalked her as an allowee male would his female as she swam about in the water. Dancing in the waves, in the currents. Pretending to be oblivious as he came closer, and closer.
Serval did the same. Imagining Sophie in the oceans of home. Imagining her in his arms. The taste of her on his tongue.
She whirled around, laughing, having a grand time. Completely oblivious to the hungry predator that stalked her in the water.
Flower wine was not very sweet. It had a delectable, subtle flavor that flowed smoothly over the tongue. It also hid its intoxicating contents very well. The type of intoxicant varied based on the flower or flowers used to make the wine. It just so happened that Sophie preferred one that left the drinker very sleepy and content.
Serval ended up carrying her back to the hotel where he carefully put her to bed, taking off her shoes and jewelry, leaving her in the dress. The flower silk would wrinkle terribly, but it would be comfortable while she dozed for the next day or so.
He didn’t think she understood what she consumed until she finally emerged from the room, hair wild, dress mussed and wrinkled, makeup smeared, eyes heavy and wide with disbelief.
“Did I just sleep for a full day?” She asked immediately, surprised, leaning against the wall.
Serval, who had been working on some other potential leads for stories, just sat back on the sofa, away from the display off his combot, and grinned at her.
“You did. The flower wine you drank makes you tired.”
She rubbed her face, spreading more of her makeup. “I wish someone warned me about that.”
“I forgot that you wouldn’t know. That’s my fault, lov’alel. But I made sure to bring you water and you got up to use the privy a few times.”
She groaned. “I don’t even remember that.”
He chuckled as she stumbled across the room. The deep sleep would have left her extremely rejuvenated, but also weak and uncoordinated for a while as her body tried to wake up fully. The door sliding shut into the privy wasn’t thick enough to disguise her short cry of dismay when she caught a look at herself in the mirror.
Serval could only laugh, adjusting his hard cock.
She was a mess, and all the more adorable for it. Her mussed hair and dress and makeup did nothing at all to detract from her beauty. If anything, he only wished that he could be the one who made her look like that.
“We’re returning to my ship today,” he yelled out, getting back to work.