Page 10 of Doc
She's let her very bad blonde dye job hair down, and she's biting her bottom lip.
I shake my head, stating, "Sorry, got things to do," as I walk away, ready to ensure my sister doesn't hurt a woman I see as a mother, all while my mind is on the girl I know I can't have but want.
I head out to door and ignore the outraged cry from the silly woman behind me.
Fuck my life.
Kennedy – One Month Later
I stir the sugar into my coffee before looking out of the kitchen window. There’s mold growing along the windowpane from the moisture collecting inside.
Momma and Dad are both passed out. Momma is in bed with some woman, and Dad is on the reclining chair, which he barely vacates, snoring away.
I tilt my head, looking at the woods.
Blood, so much blood, enters my vision, my memories haunting me even after all this time.
I slowly walk over to the body, my limbs shaking, my heart pounding so hard I'm afraid it's going to pop out of my chest.
I stop near the body. His eyes are open, lifeless, and blood stains the grass, twigs, and leaves around him.
Oh God….
Very slowly, I lean down, not wanting to look into those dead, dark eyes, and slowly close them before falling back on my ass, my tears trailing down my cheeks.
Lucas killed him for me….
I squeeze my eyes shut as bile hits my throat, but I take a sip of my coffee from the mug I always leave in my room so it stays clean.
How can someone kill for you but not love you?
Swallowing, I turn my right arm and look at the little tattoo inked vertically on the inside of my bicep.
The man owns me, and I don't know how I'm supposed to date other men when he's all I can think about, even though he's now with Prue. It’s slowly killing me inside. My heart breaks every single day, knowing he's hers and not mine.
A few tears fall from my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away. I've seen her a few times at the hospital, but I've always made myself scarce. I can't see it. I just…can't.
Taking a deep breath, I down my coffee, then quickly wash and dry the cup, and return it to my room. I'm already in my scrubs, which I've noticed my mother try on a few times, which is a little freaky.
I've seen the looks she gives me when I arrive home after work. She's jealous but won't say crap because now I'm earning more than my waitress job, which means she's getting more money out of me for her habits.
Shaking my head, I rush to the bathroom and wrinkle my nose at the state of it. Used condoms, towels, and some weird white stuff everywhere. I try to clean as much as possible, but every time my parents have a party, it ends up like this. On the bright side, they don't come near me anymore. The last time Momma tried to sell me, I threatened to stop giving her money, and she’s backed off since then.
Though, I have still been thrown into the closet a few times, her jealousy over my job pulling at her.
Something red catches my attention and—oh eww, is that a used tampon in the tub?
I gag and quickly put my hair in a neat bun, hating I'm still surrounded by this environment. I leave the house, rushing to the cheap, black Honda Civic Alex helped me buy. I don’t want to be late for work.
Twenty minutes later, I'm walking out of the staff room, ready for my shift in the ER, but when I get there, I come to a halt, and as always, pain slices through me.
Doc is standing near the desk, but he's not alone. His girlfriend is with him as she leans her body against his. I look away, not willing to see it, my heart weeping as usual. I take a few moments, leaning my back against the wall, knowing I need to go over there, but I don't want to.
Why do they have to be here?