Page 56 of Doc
But I’ve told her fucking everything, and she still left me a second time. She still chose to go back to New York and cut all contact with me.
How can I become the person for her to return to when she gave up on us, on me?
How can my brother sit there and tell me I make her the other woman, when he knows the full truth, but still acting like I did her dirty?
I tried to protect her while killing myself in the process….
I swallow hard, my emotions taking a toll on me.
He sighs, admitting, "I leave in a week; I'll give you the address of the place Quinn and I set up for her. That's all you're getting."
Pain shoots through me. I told her everything; I showed her my heart with those letters, yet she’s still going through Breaker.
She still wants no contact….
I bite my lip and rasp, "I'm sorry, brother, and you can hit me again, I'll take it,” trying to divert everyone from my pain. from the hurt he’s just caused me by sticking to his guns, knowing if this was the other way round, he’d have me pinned to the table until I gave him the information he wanted.
He nods with a chuckle as Smokey asks, "What other shit do you have to deal with? Well, except for Kennedy's momma, but you have us brothers to help you with that bitch." He tilts his head. I raise a brow at Breaker, who looks guilty and nervous as hell. Smoke continues, "You have a beautiful son who has started to thrive again despite his trauma, a woman who loves you and said son enough to jump in front of a bullet for you both, and your cousin is coming home…. What did you do, brother?"
Ah fuck, he has that look, the same one he had when he drove his dad’s bike into the school wall after taking it for a joy ride.
My dad sits forward, asking, "Son, I know that look; it's the same one you gave me and your dad after crashing his bike. What the fuck did you do?"
I snort because, yeah, I fucking called it, and that shit was funny as fuck.
He narrows his eyes at me before clearing his throat, "I uh, well, you see…."
Sniper cuts in, "Aw fuck, brother, what have you done."
He swallows hard and admits, "I, fuck, I didn't want to lose her again. I-I….”
Bull barks, "Spit it out, brother."
Shit, this is bigger than I thought.
Breaker mutters, "I swapped her birth control pills for vitamins a few months ago, and if my calculations are right, she's roughly five weeks pregnant…and doesn’t know."
My body starts to shake with silent laughter, knowing the fucker is roadkill.
Tats rasps, "Fuck, it's like a full circle. A bitch traps you, and you decide to trap your old lady."
Okay, yeah, that sounds bad ,and if Ken finds out…he’s fucked.
I clear my throat. "Yeah, brother, you're fucked; never mind your old lady killing you. Just wait until she tells Ken."
He groans, dropping his head, and grumbling, "Ah fuck…." and we all laugh because he’s in so much fucking trouble.
I shake my head, my laughter dying as Kennedy comes to mind.
A part of me, a part that dies every day, thinks maybe I need to let her go, but I don’t physically know how. I’ve wanted her for so long; she owns my heart, body, and soul.
I don’t know how to let her go, but that’s my only solution. She doesn’t want me anymore.
I feel like I’m losing everything and can’t stop it.
I blink, my thoughts confusing me as the door to church slams open, and Quinn storms in, looking mad as fuck.
Uh oh.