Page 65 of Doc
I keep my eyes on Lucas as he takes a drink, and I whisper, "Not good."
He hums and rasps, "Forget about all the hurt and pain, the lies and secrecy. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?"
I half smile, my eyes tearing up as I say, "Lucas."
He nods. "You've both hurt each other?—"
I cut in, "He made me believe I was the other woman, claimed someone else to protect me. Me, though, I didn't give him the chance to hold his daughter before cremating her. I'm pretty sure I win if there's a contest in causing the most pain." I shake my head. "I read another letter last night, trying to wait for him to come home; I fell asleep sobbing."
He leans forward and asks, "What did it say, darling?"
I wipe away a few tears and whisper, the words cemented in my mind, "My dearest Pixie, you called me again today, and you sounded upset but still wouldn't talk to me. I'm breaking, baby, I can feel myself falling, and I don't think I have the strength to lift myself back up again. What is the point of life when you're not here with me? Come home, Pixie, come home to me, help me live again, help me with your strength. I love you, your Lucas."
Alex drops his head and rasps, "Fuck."
I nod and say, "He hasn't spoken to me in four days. He said he needed time with our daughter, but then he returned with all of my stuff and stated I now lived with him, and then that was it. He hasn't spoken to me. He hasn't spoken to Aunt Shelly…."
Alex says, "We didn't mean to, darling, but we all took sides. Momma and I stood by you with the brothers, while Dad stood by everyone. We didn't know why he picked Prue or made the choices he did, especially when he knew if she was pregnant, it most likely wasn't his, and by the time we did…. Well, it was too late. We knew his character, yet none of us questioned him. He never kissed or held her; he only stuck up for her when Lola opened her mouth, and that was only because she wore his cut. To disrespect an old lady, you disrespect the brother."
I sniffle as Sniper sits next to me. I whisper, "I felt so mad at him for so long, but when he told me the truth, it was like a switch flipped…my emotions and feelings, and I didn't know how to feel about it. I didn't know how to handle it, and then my guilt weighed on me. I think I subconsciously punished him by not telling him about Layla, and nowbecauseof me, Crow won't speak to Aunt Shelly."
He's been sleeping at the club. Even now, they're both here, but he's ignoring her while she looks at him with longing, and looks at Lucas with guilt. That's my fault.
Sniper grips my hand on the table, and I look at him, his eyes showing concern as he whispers, "He'll forgive you, Ken. You and him, you're meant to be. You just have to get through all the hurt first. And Crow and Shell will be alright. While Doc hurts, his dad hurts, sojust give them time. It's not your fault she kept your secret, darling; she could have told Crow any time but chose not to. That's not on you, it'son her."
I nod knowing he’s right, before I notice a sliver of silver as I look at hishands.I ask,"Um, Sniper, why are you wearing a wedding band?"
Alex chokes on his drink, making Sniper snort, and I grin as Alex hits his chest, coughing.
"You're supposed to swallow, not choke, Breaker,"Bull says loudly, and Lola shouts, "That's what she said,"making the brothers groan and the women laugh. I grin wide before I lock eyes with Lucas, and everyone else fades. I feel like I barely see him. He let go of my apartment, informing the hospital we live together, yet I never see him.He'sworking all hours, and I try to reason with myself that he's just catching up, but I know he's avoiding the club and me.
And while he's avoiding, I can't kick his butt for having the hospital let go of my apartment.
Maybe I need to take a leaf out of Lola’s book and set loose some animals in his room here. Maybe rats….
My eyes tear up when Lucas turns away from me.
Sniper rasps, "I got married to a woman I've fallen madly in love with, but she doesn't know I'm a part of an MC. She hates them, and I, well, I really fucking wanted her."
My eyes widen as I look at him in shock.
Alex chuckles. "Fuck, you’re in trouble if your momma finds out. Snake eloped, and now you."
My mouth gapes before I snap it shut and state,"Never mind his momma; if his wife finds out, the man is never going to be able to have children."Alex hums in agreement as Sniper groans, making me chuckle and ask,"Are you happy?"
He smiles, wrapping his arm around me, and whispers,"So fucking happy."
I nod."Right now, that's all that matters."
He nods before we all look toward Lucas again. He's hunched over the bar with a glass of whiskey in his fist.
"I miss my friend,"Alex whispers, causing Sniper to sigh.
He states,"It was his daughter, Breaker. I get he hurt Ken; we were all fucking angry at him for it, but you can't sit there and tell me you didn't feel like something wasn't right with the situation. We all knew he loved her growing up, but Crow refused for us to get involved, wanting them to come together by themselves. His choosing Prue didn't sit right with any of us, but we were all too fucking angry to question him, to understand why…."He shakes his head, and I wipe my tears as he continues, "He didn't get to hold his daughter or say goodbye to her. Right now, he just needs some time. He's moved Ken in without asking her, so he's not giving up. He just needs time to breathe."
Alex shakes his head. "I just wish he'd fucking hit me so we can fight it out and get back to where we were."
Sniper nods. "He'll get there."