Page 26 of Bound To You
It seems Mikhail also had two other men helping him: Boris and Igor. They're trying to recruit more men to help take me down after my accension in a few months. They're making waves about the Greek Mafia because we're forming an alliance, and they've got two men from the Irish Mafia helping them: Rowan and Conner.
Yeah, fuck that.
I rap my knuckles to get Dad's attention, and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I nod toward my screen, not wanting to distract Alexandr and Stefano.
"I'll contact Noah to let him know he has two traitors among their men; they weren't happy that he married out of the Mafia, and for love instead of an alliance. It doesn't matter that he now has an heir in his son," my father states after he reads the email.
I scowl, and he notices it.
"Son, they’ve denied knowing anything about Sofia disappearing, yes. I know they probably had something to do with her managing to hide for so long, but we have no proof. Just let it go.
She didn't want to stay. We all failed her. We should be thankful they loved her enough to help her so our enemies couldn't find her. Plus, he's one of your closest friends."
I just nodded, refusing to speak about them. They were her best friends, and I know they helped her leave, but I also can't put a bullet in their heads because then I would lose Sofia for good! That and I've become close with Noah since Sofia left. He helped pull my head out of my ass.
I look at the time. 10:30.
"I'm leaving; I'll call after I see her."
The men nod solemnly, and I head to the kitchen to give my mother's cheek a kiss, saying bye, before she hands me a box of cookies—triple chocolate cookies, to be exact—Sofia's favorite. I give her a weak smile. It only takes me twenty minutes to arrive, and I park outside the restaurant. I look around and notice her Mazda parked outside the beauty salon. Hmm, maybe she wanted to look her best for me? My heart skips a beat at the thought. I look around again and see no threat. I can't be too careful. I'm five minutes early but still decide to head in; I know she's already here. I get out of my rental SUV, bringing the cookies with me.
I walk through the door, and the waitress smiles, telling me to sit anywhere. I lift my left hand and shove it through my hair while keeping my tight hold on the cookies. Fuck, I'm nervous. I look around, and there, sitting at a table with a glass of water in front of her, is my wife, my best friend, and my heart.
Fuck, she's more beautiful than I remember. She has more curves, and I can thank our daughter for that extra goodness. She was always too skinny back then, and her curves suited her perfectly. Her hair is down, and I can see the blue feathering in it. She's wearing a flowy white top with a denim jacket over it, jean shorts, and her cowgirl boots, which she seems to always wear in the pictures we've seen. She takes my breath away.
She looks up, and our eyes meet. Fuck, her deep Mediterranean-sea eyes used to shine bright—until they dulled on our wedding day—look at me with disgust. She's so hesitant right now that I can't help but feel sorrow and guilt. Fuck, I've missed her.
I walk over to her table and stop a few feet away.
"Hello, printsessa," I say with a low growl.
I can't help it; I've missed her so fucking much. I sit opposite her and notice the chain around her neck, but the end is hidden in her top. I place the cookies on the table in front of her, then put my elbows on the table and rest my chin on my clasped hands to hide my smile, then look up, but before we can say anything, the waitress comes over.
"Hey Sofia, where is that little cutie today? She always lightens up my day."
My heart squeezes, but Sofia just smiles lovingly at the mention of our daughter.
"She's at daycare."
Fuck, I missed hearing her voice, so sweet and soft.
"They're baking today, so she's pretty excited. Can I get my usual order, please, but double, Rachel?" The waitress, who is Rachel, smiles.
"You better tell her I expect some of that baking this time," she says with a chuckle, causing Sofia to smile wider.
"No promises."
The waitress walks away to get our order, which is who knows what, but I don't care, I just want to talk to my wife. Just as I'm about to open my mouth, there's another shadow over the table, and I growl lowly and place my hand on the gun strapped to the holster on my jeans. I'm getting fed up and impatient with people interrupting when I'm about to talk to my wife for the first time in three fucking years.
Sofia looks at me and raises an eyebrow, her eyes following where my hand is, and shakes her head. She then looks to see who graced us with their unwanted fucking presence. She stills, her body going rigid, before turning back to me and nodding.
This time, I frown. She wants me to kill someone. In public? Which I don't mind doing for her, but really? What happened to my sweet, innocent wife? I looked to see who she wanted me to murder and had to do a double take. Fuck, I thought it was Candice for a second. She had bleach-blond hair but brown eyes instead of green. Still, they could be sisters. I look back at Sofia. Okay, now I know why she wants me to shoot her. She's one of my mistress’s look-alikes, but that still makes no sense. Sofia’s not the murdering type, even against the women I cheated on her with. In her eyes, I'm at fault because I didn't say no. Heck, most of the time, I instigated it. Shit, I fucked up a lot. Mama was right; I've got to kiss her feet, but her behavior still doesn't make sense, even after three years apart.
My wife’s nod to murder doesn’t make sense…until the woman opens her fucking mouth.
"Hi there, handsome. I'm Amber, and I thought I'd come and save you from this boring date with that thing. Want to come sit with me?" she chirps in what she thinks is a seductive voice but, to me, it sounds whiney.
Sofia picks up her water and snorts. Yeah, it's making sense now. Amber talks just like Luna, her cousin, and sounds like her, too, so that's basically two mistresses in one body. She's also clearly a bitch and has a problem with my wife, so yeah, I get it. After Sofia ran, Luna's mom, Emilia, who I thought loved Sofia, tried to convince me to annul the marriage and marry her daughter instead. After that, I told Stefano they were banned from all family events.