Page 43 of Bound To You
Damian wraps his arm around my waist and whispers, "Come on, malyshka, let's get this meeting done, then we can try and figure everything out."
I nod, then go and give Mila a kiss on her head. She waves, and Sergi goes to her while Alexandr starts to pout and moan about having to come with us.
Sergi states, "I think you're in for a treat, Al."
I chuckle, and Alexandr gives me a raised brow, but I just smirk at him and raise one of mine back. I watch as the light clicks in his head. He now looks like a kid in a candy shop.
We head out with Damian, who is none the wiser.
twenty six
Something is going on. Alexandr has been giddy since returning to the car, and I cannot figure out why. Sofia just smirks, and she has a glint in her eye. I furrow my brow, trying to rack my brain, but then it clicks.
I sigh and look at her. She must realize I've figured it out, and as I'm about to ask if she wants to meet her father elsewhere, she shakes her head, reading my expression. I sigh again. Another test. Fuck, I really do not want to have to kill Candice, but if she hurts my wife, then I will. I don't give a shit if her father works under mine, or that he’s a brigadier. I sigh again and grab her hand in mine, lacing our fingers and giving hers a tight squeeze. I can't stop touching her.
We arrive at the office within twenty minutes. Volkov & Co. is where we deal in magazine and social media outlets. We're one of the biggest competitors out there to date, and we deal in the hotel business as well.
Sofia has called Sergi four times, but he doesn't complain. She's nervous about leaving our daughter, and I don't blame her after everything. At the building, we all get out and head inside. Just as we walk inside, I hear a scream, and I get behind my wife, knowing what's about to happen. Claire, our receptionist, who is in her 60s, runs full force and tackles my wife in a massive hug, which would have sent them to the ground if I hadn't stood behind Sofia. They were good friends before she ran, and it broke Claire's heart when Sofia left.
"Oh my God, you're here, you're alive," Claire cries out, and Sofia holds the woman tight, apologizing repeatedly for not reaching out. After five minutes, I have to drag my wife away. She promises to catch up next week with Claire, and they hug again. Claire looks at me and gives me a watery smile, happy that I found her. I give her a peck on the cheek, and we head to the elevators.
We hit the top floor button when we get inside, and Alexandr drapes an arm over Sofia's shoulder, giving her a side hug. After two seconds longer than I like, I pull her toward me, causing my brother to chuckle and my wife to shake her head. God, I missed her so much. I place my nose on top of her head and take a deep inhale of her vanilla and chocolate scent. For years, I tried to recreate it but couldn't, no matter how much I tried. It was all her.
I kiss the top of her head as the elevator pings to say we have reached our floor, and I walk out first with Alexandr beside me, mainly because I have no idea how this is about to go. Candice's head pops up from her desk, and her eyes light up, seeing that we’re back. She transferred in as my secretary after I started working here at twenty; her father was ecstatic, hoping I'd make her my bride, while my father was unimpressed. I just liked having the easy pussy outside of my office door. Dick move, I know, and it's biting me in the ass now.
"Damian, baby, you are finally home. I've missed you so much. Where have you been?" she says seductively. Alexandr starts to shake beside me with a silent laugh, and she looks at him, her eyes showing confusion at his odd behavior.
"Mindy's been asking for you, sweetie," she states with a smirk and he stops laughing and scowls at her. She knows he wants nothing to do with her after she tried to stake a claim in front of our business representatives, especially when she knew he was engaged to Phoebe. Al has some fucked up idea that he can keep his affairs quiet from Phoebe—out of respect. I tried to tell him it'd end badly—I mean, look at me, but he just shakes his head. I dread the day she discovers what he's been doing behind her back.
Candice turns back to me and grabs my arm, and just as I'm about to knock her away, a small hand with dark blue nails grabs hold of her wrist, making Candice gasp in shock. She still doesn’t see who grabbed her until she steps around me, and she pales instantly at my wife's voice.
"Do you mind not touching my husband?" she says it with a sneer, and I trade glances with my brother. He smirks while my eyes widen. I don't know whether to jump for fucking joy or fear for my balls. What happened to my quiet and naïve wife? Oh yeah, I changed her by being a dick and cheating on her. Fuck, I'm screwed, especially when she continues to talk.
"I mean, I know you got your tits out for him a lot over the years, and you're a home-wrecking slut, but the least you could do is have some respect with me standing right here!"
Candice snaps out of her shock and brings her hand back. Just when I think she'll back down, she turns out to be a stupid idiot, looks down on my wife, and sneers.
"No offense, Sofia, but he wouldn't have strayed if he got it at home. Did you know we thought we were pregnant?" She smirks while speaking, and I start to shake with rage. She's going to make me lose my fucking wife again.
Alexandr can see how I'm barely hanging on and grabs my arm, whispering, "Calm brother, let's see what our girl is made of, shall we?"
I turn and glare at him for “our girl” comment, and he smirks at me. I look back at Sofia, expecting her to have tears in her eyes, instead, she starts to laugh, which startles Candice. My wife straightens her back and gets in Candice's face, which is no easy feat considering Candice is at least four inches taller.
"Is that so? I didn't realize you could get knocked up by the ass or mouth, Candice. But do you know who did get knocked up by him?" Candice pales. "Yeah, bitch, me! We have a two-year-old daughter together, did you know that? The day I found out and went to tell my husband…." I now start to pale, hating she saw what we were doing in the home I shared with Sofia. Watching the video proof of what she saw was bad, but hearing her say it kills me. "You were on your knees, like the slut you are, sucking him off, but the thing about me, Candice, is that I also know a lot more where you're concerned." My wife gives an evil sneer that has me and my brother backing away a little. She's scary…and extremely hot.
Candice looks at my wife triumphantly, happy that she caught us together, liking that she's one of the reasons my wife left. But the woman is also an idiot for not noticing the scary-ass sneer on Sofia's face. I've faced plenty of men over the years, but my wife, right now, beats them all.
Candice realizes her fuckup when my wife says, "How's my father, by the way?" Both I and my brother whipped our heads at Sofia in shock, not realizing she knew about the time her father fucked Candice at a club. Sofia doesn't care, though, because she continues, "And my cousin Luna… you had a menage together, remember? You ate her out while my father fucked you in the ass. Such a good little whore, aren't you? Do Mommy and Daddy know? I mean, if not, I have a lot of proof for you." Candice looks like she's about to be sick while I feel the vomit in my throat, threatening to come up. Stefano had a three-way with his niece? What the fuck?
My wife continues despite noticing mine and Alexandr's green faces.
"You literally let my father fuck you in the ass and come all over you while you ate Luna out, then let my husband fuck you two hours later. Did you even shower? Because by what I saw on the home surveillance, video I took with me as collateral, by the way, you didn't shower at my father's home. Which means my husband basically fucked my father, which is ew." She wrinkles her nose while my right-hand grabs hold of my brother's arm, squeezing the fuck out of it while he just gapes.
"You're a whore who can't keep her legs closed. Poor Mindy went around telling everyone that she gave you all chlamydia, but it wasn't her, was it? You and Luna fucked a kingpin in Brooklyn and decided to spread it." Shit, my wife knows more than she lets on. I look at Alexandr; he's now pale, too. We both thought it was Mindy too, but how the fuck does Sofia know this?