Page 23 of C*cky Best Friend
Chapter Eleven
I’ve never felt so high in my entire life.
The applause.
It’s intoxicating.
Alliance is sold-out, its entirety on their feet for an ovation I’ve never experienced.
I cannot stop grinning.
For once I’m not in the back making room for the stars. No wonder people chase a dream as hard as they chase this one, appreciation of this magnitude on the other side. I could get addicted to such a feeling.
Our star takes his solo bow, and I eagerly clap right along with the audience even though perhaps I’m not supposed to. I completely forget myself. Look at how he shines in the lights. So beautiful. Back poised, muscles in his legs flexed as he takes two steps back to be at my side. Asher truly is a star, dignified, even regal! But he has experience standing upfront like this, basking in the smiles of strangers who are grateful to have seen his talent tonight.
I glance to Logan, but find him staring expressionless.
He must be in shock.
We’ve always danced background. That he had a speaking role in this beautiful musical that brought tears to people’s eyes — they’re wiping them now! — is as uncommon an experience for him as for me.
Our choreographer steps forward to take her bow. Many in the audience know exactly who she is. Tonights crowd contains many of the theaters sponsors and benefactors. Besides them, Atlanta isn’t a huge city. It’s the biggest we have in Georgia, and we have much pride in our arts here. Galloway’s face and reputation are well known.
Her applause is stronger than ours. And just like Asher, she shines. With perfect timing, her fingers float to the orchestra and we all point as well, indicating that it’s time for the the audience to send a little love.
I clap very hard, beaming at Jacob Fiorentino, our composer. He will forever be burned into my memory as the one who guided my first lead-role dance. I’m acting like a complete dork right now, but so what? I’m beyond grateful.
Dad whistles from fourth row, center. Mom is grinning next to him. With them are Lexi, Hunter, Max and Natalie, all so proud. I wish Caden were here!
I wave and bend as the curtain closes.
But the applause does not stop.
Ms. Galloway directs us to remain where we are as it escalates. Music resumes. The curtains glide back open.
It was all worth it.
The bruises.
The tears.
Being yelled at by her genius.
Standing onstage, faces spotlit, every single one of us would do it all again.
My mind flashes to Marion, smile flickering. What a tragedy my ticket cost her so much.
Asher takes my hand and my focus, lifting both into the lights. This is very generous of him to showcase me. I don’t have a huge role. Logan’s part is much bigger than mine. I never even speak.
But the love story is what propels the story, so I guess I never needed to.
As I watched Marion rehearse every day and night, I always thought it powerful that Izzy never uttered a word as drama unraveled around her.
That’s how I knew the steps. I’d learned the main dance in the audition, the rest memorized from how many hours I spent watching her perfecting them. I could’ve scrolled through random stuff on my phone in some corner like most everyone else during our breaks, as the main act solidified. Instead I studied to become a better dancer.
There’s Zoe with her brothers, Nathan and Wyatt. Musicals aren’t their thing, but they showed! I want to kiss them, I’m so glad to see their faces. Nicholas and Maddie, I can’t see. I guess they couldn’t make it.