Page 34 of Reaching Hearts
Taryn rolls her eyes to Laura. “She asked for it. Weirdly, but still. She didn’t steal it. She is his girlfriend after all.”
The puzzle pieces lock into place and I blurt, “She took his jacket from you?” They nod. “Guys, she’s not his girlfriend! Said she was—she’s not!”
Taryn sits up fast like she’s been hit by a gust of wind. “She lied? Then why’d she tell us she was his girlfriend? Oh man, Annie. You have to watch out for that one. She’s gone off the deep end.”
Laura rakes her fingers through her hair and stares into the memory of meeting Rebecca. “What a weirdo. Her eyes were all rabid, too, like she was on coke or something.”
I throw her a rueful smile. “She’s not on coke. She’s just in love with him. Oh man. That’s it. She’s in love with him. And she walked in on us having sex in his room. Poor thing. I feel so bad for her.”
“What???!!!” They both cry out.
Gesturing with my hands, I explain all the important details – which means I tell them every single thing I can remember. Nothing is left out. They listen, rapt, and crack up when I explain my falling off the bed and nearly taking Rebecca out with my plummeting IV pole. “Here I am – oh this is so great, I’m with the love of my life, and he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Then the door opens and BAM! I’m in a heap on the floor yelping in pain, my IV needle swinging and my panties all like this!”
I twist my hands to demonstrate, while they lose their shit. Taryn even snorts, which throws us into even greater hysterics. She smacks my leg. “You outdid my bathroom stunt!”
Laughing, I cry out, “I did! And I’m just getting started.”
They whoop. Maria pops her head in, and looks around the room. “You guys are having too much fun in here. Cut it out.” Her eyes dance with amusement as she walks in. “I have to draw your blood, Annie.”
Laura and Taryn get quiet way too quickly.
“Wow. Balloon popper. Guys. I’m fine. Nobody died.”
“Hopefully that psychopath did,” Laura mutters under her breath. “I hope you shot him in the heart, Annie.”
My eyebrows fly up. “Jeez, Laura. Harsh.”
She shrugs as Maria draws the needle full of blood and places the cap on it. “He fired at you.” Maria’s eyes flit to mine from beneath her concentrated eyebrows. Since no one says anything, Laura keeps going. “People like that shouldn’t be walking around. You try to have a normal life, you work for what you have, and then these fuckers think they can take it from you – including your life? What gives them the right to take what’s not theirs? The ego!”
Taryn and Maria are still quiet.
I watch Maria put the cap on the second blood sample. “You’re right. I hadn’t thought about it, yet. Been living it too much to think about it, I guess. But I agree. It’s not right.”
Taryn mumbles, “I think people can be rehabilitated.”
Laura immediately counters, “Have kids and find out how much less lenient you become with evil people.”
“Okay, I think it’s time we let Annie get some sleep.” Maria’s voice is firm and her logic sound, so my friends come give me hugs on their way out.
“No! Don’t go,” I whine. “I’m not tired. I slept all night!”
“We’re going to the neighborhood now. Call us when they let you out of here and we’ll come pick you up.”
Taryn reaches into her bag and pulls out my phone. “Here.”
“Oh, look at that! Thank you.” I take it. “Oh, did you…”
Laura whispers past Taryn’s arm, “Yes, we’ve got your purse and we’re going to the Bahamas with all that money.”
Taryn wiggles her hips in a sexy circle. “We’ve got mucho diñero, cabana boys, come to momma!” She looks at Maria. “You wanna come? Bonus points if you speak the language.”
Maria rolls her eyes, leaving to go to the lab. “I wish.”
They vanish out the door with waving hands trailed behind them. But Taryn pokes her head back in the room, the long strands of her brown hair bouncing and pretty against the ugly, bland wall. “Is Brendan still here?”
I nod. “Yeah. He’s down the hall.”
“Then why don’t you try and stay here as long as you can?” She winks and brings her hand in for a little finger-wave before she disappears.