Page 26 of Lying Hearts
Chapter Fifteen
Standing in the doorway. Totally confused. Balls itching. I really should have showered.
“Bye,” I mumble, staring at Cruella DeHaircut, the odd little creature that has drifted into my head more than is understandable. As I watch her descend the stairs, my hand travels to my stomach even though it no longer hurts where she ran into it. But still, I can feel where she touched it. What the fuck is wrong with me? How can a little ghoul-chick throw me like this?
Shaking my head like a dog after a bath, I knock on the door and wait.
A gust of wind almost blows me back. “I’m not saying sorry again!” Corinne stops cold when she sees me. “Oh… uh, hi.” She cranes her head out and looks down the empty hallway. Eyeballing me, she mutters, “Are you wearing the same clothes you wore last night?”
I look down, again kicking myself for being a douche. “No. I have more than one set of these.” Changing the subject, I smile, “Hey.”
She crosses her arms, hiking up her tits. “Listen, I can’t see you anymore.” She peeks out the door again.
“That’s not why I’m here.” I follow her look down the hallway. “She took off.”
“Oh.” She frowns deeply, staring down the hall, biting the inside of her cheek. “Then what are you here for?” She couldn’t be more irritated.
Wow. When you bone a chick, you expect her to be a little nicer than this. Or at least a little needy for your attention or something. This is wild. And very attractive.
“My wallet. It must have dropped out of my pants last night. I checked my jacket. It’s not there. I didn’t have your phone number.” She stares at me. “This is awkward.”
“Well, come on in then, I guess.” She turns and I watch her ass bounce in the sweatpants. Boom boom boom, like a clock ticking from side to side. We go search her bedroom and find my wallet under the bed. She bends down and reaches deep under there. Her ass is pushed up and all I can think about is riding it. She pokes her head out, my wallet in between two fingers. “Here ya go.”
“Thanks.” I shove my hands in my pockets to hide the growing tent. “So, where’s the Wicked Witch of the West headed? Home to see the ‘rents?”
Without batting an eyelash, Blondie plops down on the bed, boobs bouncing a couple times. She stares off. “Can you believe it? She left for Europe. Bought a ticket today. Out of the blue! To Italy! She’s going to fucking Italy.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe it.”
I cross one leg over the other, leaning against a poster of The Ramones. “Wow. Cool graduation present.”
“She’s not graduated! We both have a year left still! But no – she just bailed on all of it! Said fuck it! Bought a ticket to Italy and off she goes. I have to pack all of her stuff and give it to charity. Who does that?”
This piece of news is surprising. Mistress of The Full Moon bought a ticket to Europe and is bailing on the path we all have to walk? I know for a fact I wouldn’t have the balls to do something like that. It’s pretty impressive. “She just did that today?”
“Yes! Packed a bag, heading to the airport now.” She shakes her hair out with her hand.
“Huh. Wow.” I think about it a moment. We’re both silently considering it. Maybe we’re both even picturing Señorita Shadow on the plane, flying all by herself, showing up in a foreign country, looking around and wondering where to go now.
“Does she have family in Italy? Or know anyone there?”
“Nope! No one!”
“That’s pretty brave.”
“Or stupid.”
I lock eyes with her. She doesn’t like that I said it. But who cares – it’s what I believe, so I say it again, “I think it’s really brave.”
“Or stupid.” Blondie repeats, annoyed. “You don’t know her. She’s horrible with people. Completely over the moon shy. She’s just a sheltered kid playing grown up. What is she going to do over there?”
“Get a job? Eat pizza? She’ll figure it out.”
Blondie glares at me and stands up. “You’re an idiot.”
I snort. “Okay then.”
“You wanna fuck?”