Page 55 of Lying Hearts
Chapter Thirty-Four
And he looks none too happy either.
“You have a boyfriend, don’t you?” He removes his hand, and there’s anger building quickly behind his expression. He starts to bend for his jeans. I don’t blame him for being angry. He’s naked and vulnerable.
“I don’t.”
He doesn’t believe me. His fingers hook on a belt loop, grabbing it. “Jesus. I can’t believe this.”
I reach out and stop him. “Hey hey hey. I’m sorry. Wait. Please stop. Look at me.”
With his jeans hanging from his hand, he waits, not at all happy.
“I’m making a mess, aren’t I? Brendan, I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t. Now don’t look at me like that. We broke up. But it was long term and he’s not…” I’m not sure how much to say. If I say he’s not even in this country, then Brendan will ask where he is and I’ll have to say Italy and then he might remember who I am. Did he even know where I was going that day I rode off in the cab? I don’t remember, but he’s already looking at me like I just tried to pull one over on him. Fuck, I hate lying. You have to think too much to cover your tracks.
As if he can read my mind, he says, “You could be lying to me.”
I wince and look down, but there’s his now fallen cock staring back at me. This is horrible. “I don’t have a boyfriend. We did break up. Really. It’s just I haven’t been with anyone since then. I’m not the sleep around type. Not that I wouldn’t be, or don’t want to be, but I never really had the opportunity. I’m talking too much.”
“So, that’s why you’re freaking out.”
“Why?” I’m not sure what part has filled in the blanks for him.
“Because you haven’t been with that many guys. You’re still feeling loyalty to him.”
Exhaling deeply, I say, “Yes. Exactly.”
“Well that makes sense.”
“Oh good. It just hit me. I’m sorry. It was really bad timing. I’ve never gone down on anyone besides him and when you said I was good…”
He interrupts me, “You’re talking too much again.”
I laugh uncomfortably.
“Sorry. Sorry. This is a really sexy conversation, isn’t it?”
He drops the jeans. “It could be.”
Holy. Fuck. WOW.
“I’ll go slow, since you’re such a delicate flower,” he teases, but the heat is back in his eyes and his voice is deep again. And now I know where he gets that deep register in it. He is well endowed to say the least. Breathless, I watch him kissing my nipples as he pulls down my jeans.
Under the soft caress of his lips I feel my eyelids grow heavy. As his tongue flicks my little cherries, I breathe, “Oooo, slow is good. I like slow. You can keep going slow like that.”
“I don’t like cheating,” he murmurs against my skin, his tongue reaching out to give me a little lick.
On a long sigh, I confess, “Me neither. Not a fan.”
A whip of his barely contained laughter grazes my bare stomach as he kneels in front of me. I touch his shoulders with the hesitancy of someone who just confessed she’s thinking about her ex. But seeing Brendan’s naked body kneeling in front of me is stripping away my reluctance and fast.
But I can’t get it out of my head that I’ve lied to get here. I can turn back. I can stop and tell him.
“Brendan…”I gasp as he kisses my silk panties, bringing his hand up to slip his finger under.
“Yeah? Mmm… You’ve got hair down here. I like it.” His generous cock is hardening again as he kisses the silk, pressing against me so that I burn for him, opening up from the inside out.