Page 7 of Lying Hearts
Chapter Four
The New Brendan
The day Mark invites me to move in. Two weeks after being dumped. Staring at that stupid fucking flower pillow.
Sara was everything to me. She made my days brighter. She made me want to get up in the morning. She made me happy. And then between two of her pretty little fingers, she cracked my fucking heart in half like a used up toothpick.
Holding the flower pillows, I walk to the kitchen and open up a drawer to find the scissors. Slowly and methodically, I slice both pillows into peach and green shards, white stuffing and murdered fabric falling in chunks around my feet. With one last inch-wide jagged pillow-sliver dangling in my hand, I open another drawer to find an envelope. Within less than two minutes, I’ve addressed and stamped a letter to the New York address I’ve had a year to memorize: Sara, I always hated these fucking pillows. I’m sure Steve probably hates your stupid pillows, too. Fuck you, now and forever, Brendan. I shove the pillow DNA in, lick the envelope and toss it on the counter. I’ll savor mailing this to her. Who says I have to be mature?
Love does nothing but kill you. I’m done with love. Totally and completely and forever done.