Page 21 of Rough
Jimmy answered in a chipper tone, recognizing my number. “Hey there, Garret.”
“Good morning, Jimmy,” I said and attempted to sound cordial, but my irritation showed.
I reminded myself that my unfortunate situation was not Jimmy’s fault and treated him with the dignity he deserved. He had always been loyal to me, and I had no reason to suspect his sketchy involvement in the problem.
“What can I do for you today?” he asked.
I heard the sound of a truck backing up and men talking in the background. I assumed he was in a warehouse, getting his shipments for the day ready for delivery.
“My liquor license got suspended, so I’m in a bit of a spotty situation,” I admitted. “I need you to do me a favor.”
“Suspended? What for?” Jimmy’s tone reflected honest confusion.
“I’m not sure yet,” I chuckled ironically, even though I didn’t find anything about the situation amusing in the slightest.
“What did you do?” he asked.
“To my knowledge, nothing,” I said. “But I can’t sell any liquor until I get the situation cleared up.”
“How long do you think that will take?” Jimmy asked. It would hurt him and his own profits if he couldn’t sell to me.
“The city said it could take up to a few weeks,” I informed begrudgingly.
Jimmy whistled a sound of shock through his lips. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“No,” I agreed with a nod. “It’s not good at all.”
“So, does that mean you don’t want me to put you on my route until you get it resolved?” he asked.
“I still want you to stop by the club with a truck,” I said. “If you could replace the alcohol with tons of soft drinks and non-alcoholic juices, water, things like that, I would enormously appreciate it.”
“You’ve got it,” he obliged. “Anything in particular?”
“Whatever you think will sell the best,” I said. “Bring a variety of items. Nothing alcoholic. Remember that. They probably have people surveilling me now.”
“Who is they?” Jimmy sounded paranoid.
“I don’t know, the city probably.” I rolled my eyes.
“I’m sorry man. I know this is gonna hurt you.”
“I’m going to suffer,” I admitted, “but I should still be able to stay afloat.”
“All right,” Jimmy declared. “I’ll see you on my regular route, minus the alcohol.”
“Sounds good, Jimmy. Thanks for working with me on this one.”
“No problem.”
I hung up with Jimmy, feeling exhausted even though the day was only just beginning. My head pounded.
I walked out of my office and Carol was still sitting there, gazing at me expectantly. “Any luck?”
“Not so far,” I said with chagrin. “Jimmy is going to stop by later with his regular shipment, minus the alcohol.”
Carol nodded. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“There is, actually,” I said. “Would you mind printing out brightly colored flyers for me that say no liquor is being sold on the premises until further notice?”