Page 27 of Rough
I sat up and gratefully took the cold beer. “Thank you.”
“Cheers,” he said.
I clinked my bottle with his. “Cheers.”
I gulped down several hearty sips, feeling refreshed from the inside out. Something dawned on me.
“I didn’t even have to be buzzed or drunk to experiment with the session we just had,” I said.
Garret smiled as if my enlightenment was adorable and amused him.
“See? Never say no to adventure.”
“I might just have to heed that advice,” I said with a chuckle.
Garret laughed, gulping down another swig of the ice-cold beer. “I know a thing or two.”
“That much is clear.” My smile to him was genuine.
“Believe it or not, you actually have to put in the hard work, time, effort, not to mention blood, sweat, and tears to be a nightclub owner,” Garret mentioned.
“I’ll bet.” I crossed my legs and we sat across from each other, still naked.
It was an intimate setting that I was beginning to cherish.
“You have to be calm, disciplined, and ready to say no to rejection,” Garret admitted.
“I’ve always struggled with two of the three,” I said with an ironic laugh.
“Let me guess.” Garret grinned. “Calmness and rejection?”
“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.” I pointed a finger at him and shot him an amused smirk.
“I don’t tell many people this,” Garret said, steering the conversation in another direction. “I struggled for most of my childhood with a weight problem.” Suddenly Garret’s features turned somber.
“You’re kidding.” I stared at him, truly stunned.
“I did.” He nodded and stared at the blankets for an extended period of time.
“I would never have known it,” I admitted. “You’re so fit now. You have one of the best bodies I’ve ever seen.”
Garret lifted his gaze and smiled at me. “Thanks.”
“I mean it,” I said, not trying to be overly enthusiastic but it was true. “You make me feel like I need to go to the gym more often.”
Garret let out a heartened laugh. “You look great too.”
We exchanged a smile. “Thanks,” I whispered, drawn into the tenderness of the moment.
“I do my best to be an advocate against bullying,” Garret said. “I take care of myself now, but I don’t want anyone to feel inferior or like they don’t belong.” He paused and locked eyes with me, staring deeply into my soul. He cupped one hand over mine and squeezed. “Especially you.”
I shook my head. “I don’t feel inferior.”
“Are you sure?” Garret seemed to hang onto every word I said with care.
“I promise.” I nodded and smiled at him reassuringly.
Garret sighed, relaxing and seeming satisfied with my answer.