Page 4 of Rough
I lifted my gaze and stared at him. I scoffed, a little too cynically. “No. That’s out of the question.”
“You should never reject something without trying it first.” Garret’s eyes were warm, sparkling as if he viewed me as a challenge to take on.
“Thank you for your time,” I said and swiveled on a heel, fully prepared to leave.
Garret was hot, but he wasn’t hot enough to insult me to my face and get away with it.
“If you change your mind, you know where to find me,” Garret chimed from behind me.
I tossed a polite smile over my shoulder and headed out of the club, venturing back home. I felt sexually frustrated and hot and bothered at the same time. How could Garret be so lighthearted? Nothing seemed to bother him, not even a perturbed potential new client.
I wished I wasn’t as uptight as I was, but I couldn’t change myself in a day, nor did I necessarily want to. Maybe we would be a good fit together. He could be the carefree one while I took charge and kept things in order. Who was I kidding? I was getting ahead of myself again.
Once home, I plopped down on my couch and sank into the cushions, wishing there was a way I could disappear into my fantasies. If only I could bring them to life.
I closed my eyes, fervently attempting to envision myself in a submissive role. It was a nearly impossible challenge. I just wasn’t wired that way.
I opened my eyes and stood up, feeling restless. I dismissed the sub idea before it even got a chance to take flight. I walked to my bedroom and laid down on my back, staring up at the ceiling.
I began to imagine myself on top of Garret, his wrists bound as he bent over, ready to receive me. My cheeks burned. My cock throbbed. I yearned to bring my wildest fantasies to life. I wanted to develop a relationship with Garret, but it wouldn’t work if he was a Dom too. Why were the sexiest ones always so out of reach?
I downed a full glass of water on my nightstand, but I was still enveloped in a steamy thirst that I couldn’t quench. Every time I closed my eyes, I pictured Garret’s handsome face and his lips pressed to mine. I wanted to run my hands through his sleek black hair and dig my nails down his back, leaving trace marks in my wake. Everything about Garret was erotically stimulating to my senses.
Forgetting Garret’s silvery-grey eyes was going to be difficult if I ever wanted to get some sleep. I left my bed and trudged to the bathroom. I twisted the nozzle on my shower. I needed to release some of this sexual energy, and a hot shower was the best place to get the job done.
“I’m heading on a few errands, the bank included,” I told my office manager, Carol.
Carol peered up at me over her red-rimmed glasses and the top of her computer screen.
“Sounds good, boss.”
“Can you take a message if anyone calls?”
“Sure thing.” She shot me a poised smile.
Carol was the best in the business. She was loyal and that was important to me. If I asked her to jump, she’d already be halfway in the air before I completed the request.
She had a wealth of experience. She had only been with me for a couple of years, but I was impressed with her professionalism and flexibility to be there when I needed her. She took care of all the finances, bookkeeping, and even some of the PR for the club.
Carol was the one who took all my phone calls, took messages when I didn’t want to talk to certain people and was otherwise a token of relief for me here in the office setting.
I walked out the back door of the club and began zipping down the street. My bank, the post office, and all the other places I needed to hit were all within walking distance to my club, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I had been on the hefty side as a child, and I tried to be as physically active in adulthood as I could, so that none of the chubbiness of my youth would blossom back to my life. I had suffered at the hands of bullies for most of my childhood, and I took care of my physique as an adult because of it.
For me, it wasn’t just about being trim and physically toned. I wanted to stay healthy and active, keeping my heart, lungs, and the rest of my organs functioning at their peak. I only had one body, and I intended to take care of it.
I preferred to walk or bike to most of the places I had to go, and only used a car when it was absolutely necessary. That was one of the perks of living in the heart of Chicago. The world was at my fingertips with everything I could have wanted at my disposal.
I began to slow my pace to a leisurely stroll, enjoying the nice day and the sun being out, warming the back of my neck and shoulders. My mind kept wandering back to Felix, the sexy Dom with the ocean blue eyes, so cobalt in color that they nearly pierced my soul. His chocolate brown hair was luxuriously smooth and silky looking.
I would be lying if I said I hadn’t fantasized about brushing my fingers through his hair while he nibbled on my bottom lip, making me moan with ecstasy. He was clean shaven, too, which was a plus in my book.
I wished he hadn’t left the club so quickly last night. He hadn’t been willing to budge or bend in any capacity. When I had suggested he try being submissive to explore his options, he had gotten extremely quiet, his features etched in defensiveness.