Page 43 of Rough
“Do you trust me?” he asked, gazing at me intently.
It was almost as if he was daring me to deny him.
“Yes…” I trailed off.
I was just wondering if he trusted me too, but I didn’t ask the question out loud. I was already skating on thin ice with him.
“Say it then,” he commanded.
“Say… what?” I chuckled nervously.
“Say that you trust me.” His face was stoic.
“I trust you, Garret.” I returned his steely gaze.
“Good.” He spun on a heel and began walking away. “I’ll be right back then. Just lie back and relax.”
I had no idea what I was in store to receive, but at this stage of the night and with Garret’s intense demeanor, anything was possible. The question was if I going to rise to the occasion and meet his challenges? I needed to focus my energy on being with him and casting all worries away. It was going to be the only way to get through to him.
A few minutes later, Garret returned but remained shrouded by a shadow in the hallway. I couldn’t see his face, just the single silhouette of his figure.
“Garret?” My heart pounded noisily in my ears. Excited anticipation sizzled in my senses.
Garret slowly emerged from the hallway. He was carrying a candle, a lighter, and a blindfold.
“I want to play with you,” he said almost robotically. His eyes bore a hole right through my soul.
I swallowed hard. “Okay, so what does that mean, exactly?”
“You said you trusted me, right?” Garret asked with arched eyebrows.
He sauntered closer, taking deliberately slow steps to mess with my head.
“I trust you.”
Garret frowned as if he didn’t believe me. I suddenly felt the burning need to satisfy him, to prove to him that I was a man of my word. He was already going through so much. He didn’t need me to add more unnecessary stress to his life by not complying when he needed me.
“Lay down,” Garret instructed.
It was clear now, that whether or not he believed me, he was going to do what he wanted to me anyway.
I did as he commanded. This time, I didn’t ask him what he was going to do to me. I had a sneaking suspicion he wanted it to be a surprise.
“I’m going to blindfold you now,” he said.
I nodded and took a deep breath. “Okay.”
He stood over me, looming for several seconds. I thought I caught a flicker of sorrow in his eyes, but he looked away so quickly that I couldn’t be sure if that was really what I had seen.
“If at any point you are in pain or begin to struggle, then just tell me to stop and I will.” There was a ring of promise in his tone that made me believe him on the spot.
“Okay,” I nodded again.
I prepared myself physically and mentally for whatever came next. I relaxed and tried to tell myself to have fun. I didn’t have to refer to myself as a submissive internally, but I could still tell myself that pleasure and being with someone was better than being alone and lonely.
Garret reached around my head and tied the blindfold to shield my eyes.
“Can you see?” he asked.