Page 51 of Rough
I stopped right outside, watching as befuddled people continued to empty out of the building.
“Bubba, what’s going on?” I asked and pushed my hands into the pockets of my jacket to brace against the chilly air.
Bubba looked at me, but he seemed a little distracted by trying to escort dozens of people out of the doors in a somewhat orderly fashion.
“It’s a repeat of the fire marshal from the other night,” Bubba explained. “Only this time it’s with the health inspector.”
My stomach dropped. Poor Garret. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Bubba looked at me and arched his eyebrows. “Unfortunately, it’s no joke.”
A queasy sensation slammed into my stomach. I had to find Garret and help him through this ordeal.
“Is Garret in there?” I asked Bubba.
“Yes, and he’s ready to breathe fire,” Bubba mentioned. “He’s all but spitting nails. Sorry for all the expressions, but I just had to warn you before you went into the snake pit.”
I nodded. “Okay, thanks for the warning.” The truth was, I knew I could handle Garret at his worst because I had all but witnessed it in person regarding the fire that very morning. He was as mad as a hornet then, so I felt prepared for anything.
I maneuvered through the people departing the club, shuffling through them and bumping shoulders, rubbing arms with various club members as they begrudgingly flocked toward the exit.
When I reached the bar and dancefloor area, I spotted a bewildered Carol, looking alarmed and wide-eyed.
“Carol?” I asked.
She spun around in a circle. Her eyes landed on me. “Hey, Felix.”
“What’s going on?”
“Complete mayhem,” she responded with a tone of despair.
“Where is Garret?”
“He’s… in the kitchen.” Carol appeared even more agitated than Bubba had been. She reached up and scratched her head, slowly turning around in a circle again as if she wasn’t sure what she should be doing.
“Are you all right?” I asked.
Carol rotated to face me again. Her expression was blank. “I’m not sure.”
I took a deep breath. “Okay, well hold tight and I’ll go find Garret and figure out what is causing the havoc.”
I gave her my gentlest smile and began walking toward the kitchen area. My heart was in my throat and I became more anxious with every step I took. I didn’t know what to expect when I finally found Garret.
He was in the kitchen, just where Carol had said he would be. He was arguing with a thin wisp of a woman with blonde hair.
She looked like she was probably in her mid to late thirties. She had stiff posture and was clutching a clipboard to her chest. Her lips were pursed into a pencil-thin line as Garret verbally unloaded on her.
“How much of a bribe did you take to come here tonight and shut down my club?” Garret demanded, spittle flying from his mouth.
When Garret was fuming about something, little red blotchy patches formed on his neck and cheeks. He had those now, along with a bulging vein protruding from his temple.
“I didn’t take any bribes,” the blonde woman said defiantly, holding her own against the visible wrath of Garret.
“Do you really think I’m going to believe that bullshit?” Garret asked, his voice raising another decibel or two.
The woman flinched in response but held her ground. “I’m sorry, sir. There is nothing I can do about your grievances at this time.”
“You can take my grievances and shove them up your—”